A small genus with one species described only [1].
- , “Taxapad 2012, Ichneumonoidea 2011. Database on flash-drive.”., Ottawa, Canada., 2012.
Parasitoids of seed beetles in the family Bruchidae (Marsh, 2002).
Small size, 2.0-4.5 mm; head transverse, wider than long, temples narrow and less than 0.5 eye width, occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina, frons somewhat excavated; mesosoma robust, mesoscutum strongly declivous anteriorly, propodeum declivous posteriorly; metasoma short, broadly oval, first tergum short and broad, second tergum with transverse sinuate groove or line; basal sternal plate of first metasomal segment 0.25 length of tergum; fore tibia with single row of 8-12 small stout spine along anterior edge, hind coxa with small but distinct basal tubercle; fore wing vein r-m present, vein r as long as or longer than vein 3RSa, first subdiscal cell open at apex; hind wing vein M+CU longer than 1M, vein m-cu curved toward wing apex [1].
- , The Doryctinae of Costa Rica (excluding the genus Heterospilus), vol. 70, 1 vol. Gainsville, Fl.: American Entomological Institute, 2002, p. 319.
Very distinctive genus with its robust shape of body, narrow head, short fore wing vein 3RSa and curved hind wing vein m-cu [1].
- , The Doryctinae of Costa Rica (excluding the genus Heterospilus), vol. 70, 1 vol. Gainsville, Fl.: American Entomological Institute, 2002, p. 319.
Nearctic, Neotropical, Oceanic.