Draft Key of the Doryctinae genera of the world for each geographic regions

This key is only a draft version provided to test the site. It has not been tested enough to confirm its quality. Moreover some errors could be present. So, if you wish to use it, please take in mind that all your identifications need to be seen with cautions and verified with additional sources!

The following genera have not been included because I lack data : Cecidospathius Kieffer & Jörgensen,1910; Celereon Say,1936; Doryctomorpha Asmead, 1900; Esterella Pagliano & Scaramozzino,1990; Metaspathius Brues, 1922; Sinaodoryctes Chen & Shi, 2004 (Key version 08/10/2017).

  • Nearctic ... 2
  • Eastern Palearctic... 30
  • Western Palaearctic... 65
  • Ethiopian... 92
  • Neotropical... 144
  • Oriental... 260
  • Australasian... 307
  • Oceania... 355

  • Petiole without median carinae ... 3
  • Petiole with median carinae... 4

  • First flagellar segment straigth; malar suture present; eyes not emarginated; pronotum dorsally without modifications ... Aptenobracon Marsh, 1965
  • First flagellar segment more or less curved; malar suture absent or indistinct; eyes more or less emarginated on their inner sides; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view... Curtisella Spinola, 1853

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere ... 5
  • Scape shorter than first flagellomere... 7

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron); brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing distally closed (brachial vein 2cu-a present) ... 6
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing more or less curved apically to apex of wing (often vein not sclerified); metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body)); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron); brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing open (brachial vein 2cu-a absent)... Stenocorse Marsh, 1968

  • First flagellar segment at maximum, twice as long as wide; third labial palp segment distinctly shorter than second (e.g. Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000: fig. 113); eyes glabrous; occipital carina absent ... Liobracon Szépligeti, 1901
  • First flagellar segment more than twice as long as wide; third labial palp segment as long as the second; eyes with short setae; occipital carina present dorsally and laterally... Rhoptrocentrus Marshall, 1897

  • Labial palpi four-segmented; maxillary palpi six-segmented ... 8
  • Labial palpi three-segmented; maxillary palpi five-segmented... 28

  • Third labial palp segment as long as the second; hind coxa dorsally without teeth (e.g. Fig. 5A, B, E); raised ridge between antennae absent; ctenidia minor type only ... 9
  • Third labial palp segment distinctly shorter than second (e.g. Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000: fig. 113); hind coxa with one to several teeth dorsally (e.g. Fig. 5C, D); raised ridge between antennae present; ctenidia major type present... Odontobracon Cameron, 1887

  • Metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence ... 10
  • Metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body))... 24

  • Fore femur with more or less distinct dorsal blister ... 11
  • Fore femur without dorsal blister... 13

  • Hind femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister; comprising two parts ... Heterospilus Halliday, 1836
  • Hind femora without dorsal blister; comprising three parts... 12

  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining; scutellum flat; mid femora without dorsal blister; mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side ... Parallorhogas Marsh, 1993
  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; scutellum convex (e.g. swollen, conical, sharply raised); mid femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister; mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side... Ontsira Cameron, 1900

  • Pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view ... 14
  • Pronotum dorsally without modifications... 16

  • First flagellar segment straigth; head with sparse pilosity (short or long, sometimes in punctuations) ... 15
  • First flagellar segment more or less curved; head with long pilosity somewhere (face, vertex, fully,...)... Callihormius Ashmead, 1900b

  • Petiole median carinae very short (less than or equal to the third of petiole length) ... Monolexis Foerster, 1862
  • Petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole... Doryctes (Doryctes + Neodoryctes) Haliday, 1836
  • Petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole)... Leluthia Cameron, 1887

  • Notauli complete or at least partly present (smooth or sculptured)(e.g. Marsh, 1993: fig. 14) ... 17
  • Notauli entirely absent (e.g. Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000: fig. 86)... 23

  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite short, nearly 0.2-0.25 as long as tergite, not fused with ventral margins of tergite, petiole absent (e.g. Fig. 6F) ... 18
  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite long, 0.3-0.5 as long as tergite and fused with its ventral margin anteriorly, petiole present (e.g. Fig. 6D, E)... Ptesimogaster Marsh, 1965

  • Basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64) ... 19
  • Basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63)... 21

  • Hind femora swollen, at most 2.6x longer than wide; frons not excavated (flat or convex); frons without lateral protuberances; posterior of venom gland narrow ... 20
  • Hind femora not swollen (at least 3x longer than wide); frons excavated (concave, sometimes weakly); frons with lateral protuberances; posterior of venom gland wide and hemispherical... Dendrosoter Wesmael, 1838

  • Vertex not striate; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron); mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side; hind tibia with (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex ... Hemidoryctes Belokobylskij, 1993
  • Vertex striate; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron); mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side; hind tibia without (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex... Pambolidea Ashmead, 1900

  • Scutellum without lateral carinae; dorsal spines of hind tibia absent (e.g. Fig. 5H, J); hind tibia without (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex; fifth or sixth metasomal tergites entirely smooth (e.g. Fig. 7A, B) ... 22
  • Scutellum with (fine) lateral carinae (at least in anterior part); dorsal spines of hind tibia present (e.g. Fig. 5I); hind tibia with (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex; fifth or sixth metasomal tergites sculptured at least basally (e.g. Fig. 7C, D, F)... Rhaconotus Ruthe, 1854

  • Brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing distally closed (brachial vein 2cu-a present); frons not excavated (flat or convex); position of the valvillar insertion medial; bars anterior to valvillus or valvillar zone present ... Doryctes (Doryctes + Neodoryctes) Haliday, 1836
  • Brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing open (brachial vein 2cu-a absent); frons excavated (concave, sometimes weakly); position of the valvillar insertion close to the dorsal edge of the egg canal; bars anterior to valvillus or valvillar zone absent... Allorhogas Gahan, 1912

  • Fore tibial spines more or less numerous and dispersed (e.g. Fig. 5G); hind femora not swollen (at least 3x longer than wide); petiole apical width more or equal to 1.6 times (even 2 times) its minimum (often measured basally) width; basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63) ... Percnobraconoides Marsh, 1989
  • Fore tibial spines usually few and forming a single row (e.g. Marsh, 1997: figs 65-67); hind femora swollen, at most 2.6x longer than wide; petiole apical width less than or equal to 1.5 times (or subequal to) its minimum (often measured basally) width; basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64)... Pambolidea Ashmead, 1900

  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron); fore femur without dorsal blister; mid femora without dorsal blister; hind femora without dorsal blister ... 25
  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron); fore femur with more or less distinct dorsal blister; mid femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister; hind femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister... Doryctinus Roman, 1910

  • Basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves absent (e.g. Fig. 6B, F); mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side; hind tibia without (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex ... 26
  • Basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves present (sometimes shallow grooves) (e.g. Fig. 6G-J); mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side; hind tibia with (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex... 27

  • Propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E); petiole apical width more or equal to 1.6 times (even 2 times) its minimum (often measured basally) width; acrosternite of first metasomal tergite very long, 0.6-0.85 (or more) as long as tergite and entirely fused with it ventral margin, petiole present and long (Fig. 6A, B); basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63) ... Spathius Nees, 1918
  • Propodeal carinated areas completely absent; petiole apical width less than or equal to 1.5 times (or subequal to) its minimum (often measured basally) width; acrosternite of first metasomal tergite short, nearly 0.2-0.25 as long as tergite, not fused with ventral margins of tergite, petiole absent (e.g. Fig. 6F); basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64)... Pambolidea Ashmead, 1900

  • Vertex not striate; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated); first radiomedial vein (2-SR) of fore wing absent or strongly unsclerotized for the most part, then first and second submarginal cells of fore wing fused; hind wing male without a stigma-like enlargement (e.g. Fig. 3A, C) ... Pioscelus Muesebeck & Walkley, 1951
  • Vertex striate; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully); first radiomedial vein (2-SR) of fore wing present, leading the first and second submarginal cells of fore wing separated; hind wing male with a stigma-like enlargement in distal part of costal (1-SC + R) vein, without incurved marginal parts (e.g. Fig. 2H-K)... Glyptocolastes Ashmead, 1900

  • First flagellar segment (sub)equal to second (e.g. Fig. 1L); median lobe of mesoscutum with longitudinal median furrow or groove (smooth, coriaceous or weakly crenulate) anteriorly; median lobe of mesoscutum with lateral corners anteriorly angled, toothed or (very) acute; metanotum with a short and acute erected spine medially ... 29
  • First flagellar segment shorter than second; median lobe of mesoscutum without longitudinal median furrow anteriorly; median lobe of mesoscutum rounded antero-laterally; metanotum without any protuberances or spines... Aivalykus Nixon, 1938

  • Wings present; hind femora not swollen (at least 3x longer than wide); basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63) ... Ecphylus Foerster, 1862 (winged forms)
  • Wings micropterous to scalelike pads; hind femora swollen, at most 2.6x longer than wide; basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64)... Ecphylus Foerster, 1862 (apterous or brachypterous forms)

  • Labial palpi four-segmented ... 31
  • Labial palpi three-segmented... 63
  • Labial palpi one-segmented... Nipponecphylus Belokobylskij & Konishi, 2001 (females)
  • Labial palpi absent (e.g. van Achterberg, 1995: fig. 56)... Nipponecphylus Belokobylskij & Konishi, 2001 (males)

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere ... 32
  • Scape shorter than first flagellomere... 36

  • Petiole median carinae very short (less than or equal to the third of petiole length) ... Zombrus Marshall, 1897
  • Petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole... 33
  • Petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole)... 34

  • Vein r of fore wing arising distinctly before middle of pterostigma; hind femora swollen, at most 2.6x longer than wide; basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64); frons excavated (concave, sometimes weakly) ... Cryptontsira Belokobylskij, 2008
  • Vein r of fore wing arising distinctly after(behind) middle of pterostigma; hind femora not swollen (at least 3x longer than wide); basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63); frons not excavated (flat or convex)... Spathiomorpha Tobias, 1976

  • Scape less than two times longer than maximally wide; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing present; hind wing with a small or medium sized submedial (subbasal) cell, the first abscissa of M + CU 0.2-1.0 times as long as second abscissa (1-M) (e.g. Fig. 3B, D); mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side ... 35
  • Scape two or more times longer than maximally wide; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing absent with veins 2M and 3RSa,b widely separated; hind wing with a distinctly enlarged submedial (subbasal) cell, the first abscissa of M + CU more than 1times, often 1.5-2.0 times, as long as second abscissa (1-M)(e.g. Fig. 3A, C); mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side... Hecabolus Curtis, 1837

  • Clypeus without lower flange; eyes with short setae; pronotum dorsally without modifications; median lobe of mesoscutum rounded antero-laterally ... Rhoptrocentrus Marshall, 1897
  • Clypeus with lower flange more or less developped; eyes glabrous; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; median lobe of mesoscutum with lateral corners anteriorly angled, toothed or (very) acute... Neoheterospilus (Neoheterospilus) Belokobylskij, 2006

  • Apical lobe of scape absent ... 37
  • Apical lobe of scape present (apically or sub-apically)... Asiaheterospilus Belokobylskij & Konishi, 2001

  • Vein M+CU of fore wing straight or slightly curved ... 38
  • Vein M+CU of fore wing strongly curved... Platyspathius Viereck, 1911

  • Petiole without median carinae ... Spathius (Stenophasmus) Smith, 1858
  • Petiole with median carinae... 39

  • Metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence ... 40
  • Metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body))... 60

  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining ... 41
  • Mesoscutum surface of median lobe sculptured and lateral lobes smooth (or vice versa)... Heterospilus Halliday, 1836
  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured... 43

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing distally closed (brachial vein 2cu-a present); sclerified apical part vein 2-1A of fore wing not shortened; mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side ... 42
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing more or less curved apically to apex of wing (often vein not sclerified); brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing open (brachial vein 2cu-a absent); sclerified apical part vein 2-1A of fore wing more or less shortened; mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side... Parallorhogas Marsh, 1993

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of fore wing interstitial (arising directly in line with 2RS); petiole median carinae very short (less than or equal to the third of petiole length); nervellus (cu-a) of fore wing interstitial; fore tibial spines more or less numerous and dispersed (e.g. Fig. 5G) ... Hypodoryctes Kokujev, 1900
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of fore wing antefurcal (arising basad with 2RS, (RS+M)b present then second submarginal cell petiolate horizontally); petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole; nervellus (cu-a) of fore wing postfurcal (e.g. Fig. 3A-F); fore tibial spines usually few and forming a single row (e.g. Marsh, 1997: figs 65-67)... Doryctes (Doryctes + Neodoryctes) Haliday, 1836

  • First flagellar segment surface dorso-ventrally not compressed ... 44
  • First flagellar segment surface dorso-ventrally compressed (sometimes strongly)... 59

  • Mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side ... 45
  • Mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side... 56

  • Fore femur with more or less distinct dorsal blister; mid femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister ... 46
  • Fore femur without dorsal blister; mid femora without dorsal blister... 47

  • Hind femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister; comprising two parts; bar posterior to valvillus or valvillar zone absent; bars anterior to valvillus or valvillar zone absent ... Heterospilus Halliday, 1836
  • Hind femora without dorsal blister; comprising three parts; bar posterior to valvillus or valvillar zone present; bars anterior to valvillus or valvillar zone present... Ontsira Cameron, 1900

  • Pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view ... 48
  • Pronotum dorsally without modifications... 52

  • Mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum ... 49
  • Mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum... 50

  • Vertex not striate; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully); sclerified apical part vein 2-1A of fore wing not shortened; hind wing male with a stigma-like enlargement in distal part of costal (1-SC + R) vein, without incurved marginal parts (e.g. Fig. 2H-K) ... Pareucorystes Tobias, 1961
  • Vertex striate; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated); sclerified apical part vein 2-1A of fore wing more or less shortened; hind wing male without a stigma-like enlargement (e.g. Fig. 3A, C)... Monolexis Foerster, 1862

  • Postgenal bridge narrow; fore tibial spines usually few and forming a single row (e.g. Marsh, 1997: figs 65-67); hind tibia with (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex ... 51
  • Postgenal bridge wide; fore tibial spines more or less numerous and dispersed (e.g. Fig. 5G); hind tibia without (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex... Guaygata Marsh, 1993

  • Eyes not emarginated; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated); scape more or less flattened laterally (somewhere on it); petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole ... Caenophanes Foerster, 1862
  • Eyes more or less emarginated on their inner sides; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully); scape not flattened laterally; petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole)... Leluthia Cameron, 1887

  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males simple, submarginal lateral carinae absent; frons without lateral protuberances; position of the valvillar insertion close to the dorsal edge of the egg canal; posterior of venom gland narrow ... 53
  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males submarginal lateral carinae present (e.g. Fig. 7E); frons with lateral protuberances; position of the valvillar insertion medial; posterior of venom gland wide and hemispherical... Dendrosoter Wesmael, 1838

  • Hind tibia without (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex; fifth or sixth metasomal tergites entirely smooth (e.g. Fig. 7A, B) ... 54
  • Hind tibia with (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex; fifth or sixth metasomal tergites sculptured at least basally (e.g. Fig. 7C, D, F)... Rhaconotus Ruthe, 1854

  • Scutellum flat; spiral stucture of venom reservoir normal ... 55
  • Scutellum convex (e.g. swollen, conical, sharply raised); spiral stucture of venom reservoir posteriorly much courser than anteriorly... Guaygata Marsh, 1993

  • Propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E); ovipositor nodus double, with a second node weakly developed (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: fig. 12); head with long pilosity somewhere (face, vertex, fully,...); petiole from 1 times to 1.5 times longer than apical width ... Dendrosotinus Telenga, 1941
  • Propodeal carinated areas completely absent; ovipositor nodus double (or more as Cryptodoryctes), with both nodus well developed (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: figs 1-8); head with sparse pilosity (short or long, sometimes in punctuations); petiole less than 1 times longer than apical width... Hecabalodes Wilkinson, 1929

  • Hind wing male without a stigma-like enlargement (e.g. Fig. 3A, C) ... 57
  • Hind wing male with a stigma-like enlargement in distal part of costal (1-SC + R) vein, without incurved marginal parts (e.g. Fig. 2H-K)... Leluthia (Euhecabolodes) Tobias, 1962

  • First flagellar segment straigth; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully); metanotum with a short and acute erected spine medially; propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E) ... Rhacontsira Belokobylskij, 1998
  • First flagellar segment more or less curved; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated); metanotum without any protuberances or spines; propodeal carinated areas completely absent... 58

  • Mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum; scutellum convex (e.g. swollen, conical, sharply raised); second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing present; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing interstitial ... Eodendrus Belokobylskij, 1998
  • Mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum; scutellum flat; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing absent with veins 2M and 3RSa,b widely separated; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising behind middle of distal vein of brachial cell (short space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein)... Polystenus Förster, 1862

  • Clypeus without lower flange; median lobe of mesoscutum with longitudinal median furrow or groove (smooth, coriaceous or weakly crenulate) anteriorly; notauli meeting a sculptured area before scutelar sulcus; basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves present (sometimes shallow grooves) (e.g. Fig. 6G-J) ... Sonanus Belokobylskij & Konishi, 2001
  • Clypeus with lower flange more or less developped; median lobe of mesoscutum without longitudinal median furrow anteriorly; notauli meeting before the scutelar sulcus; basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves absent (e.g. Fig. 6B, F)... Dendrosotinus Telenga, 1941

  • Pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); fore femur with more or less distinct dorsal blister; mid femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister; hind femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister ... Hecabolomorpha Belokobylskij & Chen, 2006
  • Pronotum normal to long (visible in dorsal view); fore femur without dorsal blister; mid femora without dorsal blister; hind femora without dorsal blister... 61

  • Postgenal bridge absent; dorsal tentorial pits near the antennal sockets present between antenal sockets and eyes; mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side; hind tibia with (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex ... Neurocrassus Snoflak, 1945
  • Postgenal bridge narrow; dorsal tentorial pits near the antennal sockets absent; mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side; hind tibia without (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex... 62

  • Scutellum without lateral carinae; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated); propodeal carinated areas completely absent ... Polystenus Förster, 1862
  • Scutellum with (fine) lateral carinae (at least in anterior part); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully); propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E)... Spathius Nees, 1918

  • Propodeal bridge between abdominal and coxal foramina absent; first flagellar segment (sub)equal to second (e.g. Fig. 1L); median lobe of mesoscutum with longitudinal median furrow or groove (smooth, coriaceous or weakly crenulate) anteriorly; median lobe of mesoscutum with lateral corners anteriorly angled, toothed or (very) acute ... 64
  • Propodeal bridge between abdominal and coxal foramina present; first flagellar segment shorter than second; median lobe of mesoscutum without longitudinal median furrow anteriorly; median lobe of mesoscutum rounded antero-laterally... Aivalykus Nixon, 1938

  • Wings present; hind femora not swollen (at least 3x longer than wide); basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63) ... Ecphylus Foerster, 1862 (winged forms)
  • Wings micropterous to scalelike pads; hind femora swollen, at most 2.6x longer than wide; basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64)... Ecphylus Foerster, 1862 (apterous or brachypterous forms)

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere ... 66
  • Scape shorter than first flagellomere... 69

  • Vein r of fore wing arising distinctly before middle of pterostigma ... 67
  • Vein r of fore wing arising submedially from pterostigma... 68
  • Vein r of fore wing arising distinctly after(behind) middle of pterostigma... Spathiomorpha Tobias, 1976

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; scape two or more times longer than maximally wide; pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); pronotum dorsally without modifications ... Hecabolus Curtis, 1837
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing strongly curved to apex of wing (fully sclerified usually); scape less than two times longer than maximally wide; pronotum normal to long (visible in dorsal view); pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view... Zombrus Marshall, 1897

  • Pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); dorsope of first metasomal tergite present and more or less distinct; clypeus without lower flange; eyes with short setae ... Rhoptrocentrus Marshall, 1897
  • Pronotum very long (in dorsal view); dorsope of first metasomal tergite absent or indistinct; clypeus with lower flange more or less developped; eyes glabrous... Pseudorhaconotus van Achterberg & Shaw, 2010

  • Vein M+CU of fore wing straight or slightly curved ... 70
  • Vein M+CU of fore wing strongly curved... Platyspathius Viereck, 1911

  • Petiole without median carinae ... 71
  • Petiole with median carinae... 72

  • First flagellar segment longer than second (e.g. Fig. 1H, I); eyes more or less emarginated on their inner sides; metanotum with a short (obtuse) median tubercle; hind femora not swollen (at least 3x longer than wide) ... Mimodoryctes Belokobylskij, 2001
  • First flagellar segment shorter than second; eyes not emarginated; metanotum without any protuberances or spines; hind femora swollen, at most 2.6x longer than wide... Sycosoter Picard & Lichtenstein, 1917

  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males simple, submarginal lateral carinae absent ... 73
  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males submarginal lateral carinae present (e.g. Fig. 7E)... 88

  • Metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence ... 74
  • Metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body))... Spathius Nees, 1918

  • Fore femur with more or less distinct dorsal blister ... 75
  • Fore femur without dorsal blister... 78

  • Hind femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister; comprising two parts ... Heterospilus Halliday, 1836
  • Hind femora without dorsal blister; comprising three parts... 76

  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining; scutellum flat; parameres wide and roundly triangular; bars anterior to valvillus or valvillar zone absent ... 77
  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; scutellum convex (e.g. swollen, conical, sharply raised); parameres considerably narrowed along whole length (e.g. Fig. 8E); bars anterior to valvillus or valvillar zone present... Ontsira Cameron, 1900

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; eyes with short setae; occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina; nervellus (cu-a) of fore wing interstitial ... Hypodoryctes Kokujev, 1900
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing more or less curved apically to apex of wing (often vein not sclerified); eyes glabrous; occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina; nervellus (cu-a) of fore wing postfurcal (e.g. Fig. 3A-F)... Parallorhogas Marsh, 1993

  • Propodeum completely or partly (micro)sculptured (e.g. Fig. 2E); metasoma of male not depressed, rather long, not specially curved ... 79
  • Propodeum almost entirely smooth (visible in the carinated areola); metasoma of male depressed dorsoventrally (and/or laterally) after the 3 first tergites, distinctly longer than head and mesosoma combined, not curved down apically... Sycosoter Picard & Lichtenstein, 1917

  • Ovipositor nodus without visible node (but lower valves serrate) ... Caenophanes Foerster, 1862
  • Ovipositor nodus double, with a second node weakly developed (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: fig. 12)... 80
  • Ovipositor nodus double (or more as Cryptodoryctes), with both nodus well developed (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: figs 1-8)... 81

  • Notauli meeting before the scutelar sulcus; head with long pilosity somewhere (face, vertex, fully,...); hind tibia without (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex; fifth or sixth metasomal tergites entirely smooth (e.g. Fig. 7A, B) ... Dendrosotinus Telenga, 1941
  • Notauli meeting a sculptured area before scutelar sulcus; head with sparse pilosity (short or long, sometimes in punctuations); hind tibia with (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex; fifth or sixth metasomal tergites sculptured at least basally (e.g. Fig. 7C, D, F)... Rhaconotus Ruthe, 1854

  • Dorsal spines of hind tibia absent (e.g. Fig. 5H, J); bar posterior to valvillus or valvillar zone absent ... 82
  • Dorsal spines of hind tibia present (e.g. Fig. 5I); bar posterior to valvillus or valvillar zone present... 87

  • Hind wing male without a stigma-like enlargement (e.g. Fig. 3A, C) ... 83
  • Hind wing male with a stigma-like enlargement in distal part of costal (1-SC + R) vein, without incurved marginal parts (e.g. Fig. 2H-K)... 85

  • Brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing distally closed (brachial vein 2cu-a present); position of the valvillar insertion medial; subctenidial setae not or hardly flattened; single, large crescentic bar-like structure just distal to valvillus present ... Doryctes (Doryctes + Neodoryctes) Haliday, 1836
  • Brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing open (brachial vein 2cu-a absent); position of the valvillar insertion close to the dorsal edge of the egg canal; subctenidial setae distinctly flattened; single, large crescentic bar-like structure just distal to valvillus absent... 84

  • Occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina; vertex not striate; pronotum dorsally without modifications; pronotum carina(e), collar or keel present (laterally and-or dorsally) ... Allorhogas Gahan, 1912
  • Occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina; vertex striate; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; pronotum carina(e), collar or keel absent or indistinct... Monolexis Foerster, 1862

  • Mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum; basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64); comprising two parts; basal most ovipositor lower valve setae larger than subsequent ones ... Pareucorystes Tobias, 1961
  • Mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum; basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63); comprising three parts; basal most ovipositor lower valve setae small... 86

  • Occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; hind femora not swollen (at least 3x longer than wide); petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole) ... Leluthia Cameron, 1887
  • Occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina; pronotum dorsally without modifications; hind femora swollen, at most 2.6x longer than wide; petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole... Hecabalodes Wilkinson, 1929

  • First flagellar segment surface dorso-ventrally not compressed; postgenal bridge narrow; hind femur without teeth on ventral side; scape not flattened laterally ... Rhaconotus Ruthe, 1854
  • First flagellar segment surface dorso-ventrally compressed (sometimes strongly); postgenal bridge wide; hind femur with more than one tooth (often one or two and several smaller) on ventral side; scape more or less flattened laterally (somewhere on it)... Euscelinus Westwood, 1882

  • First flagellar segment straigth ... 89
  • First flagellar segment more or less curved... 91

  • Wings present; hind femora not swollen (at least 3x longer than wide); basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63) ... 90
  • Wings micropterous to scalelike pads; hind femora swollen, at most 2.6x longer than wide; basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64)... Ecphylus Foerster, 1862 (apterous or brachypterous forms)

  • Maxillary palpi six-segmented; labial palpi four-segmented; eyes more or less emarginated on their inner sides; mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum ... Leluthia Cameron, 1887
  • Maxillary palpi five-segmented; labial palpi three-segmented; eyes not emarginated; mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum... Ecphylus Foerster, 1862 (winged forms)

  • Notauli not meeting each other; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising before or from middle of distal vein of brachial cell (large space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein) ... Caenopachys Förster, 1862 female
  • Notauli meeting before the scutelar sulcus; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing interstitial... Dendrosoter Wesmael, 1838
  • Notauli meeting a sculptured area before scutelar sulcus; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising behind middle of distal vein of brachial cell (short space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein)... Polystenus Förster, 1862

  • Propodeal bridge between abdominal and coxal foramina absent ... 93
  • Propodeal bridge between abdominal and coxal foramina present... 141

  • Vein M+CU of fore wing straight or slightly curved ... 94
  • Vein M+CU of fore wing strongly curved... 140

  • Notauli complete or at least partly present (smooth or sculptured)(e.g. Marsh, 1993: fig. 14) ... 95
  • Notauli entirely absent (e.g. Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000: fig. 86)... Afrospathius Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000

  • Prescutellar depression (scutellar sulcus) long and narrow or of medium length ... 96
  • Prescutellar depression (scutellar sulcus) considerably shortened (e.g. Achterberg, 1995: figs 35, 55)... Hemispathius Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000

  • Third labial palp segment as long as the second ... 97
  • Third labial palp segment distinctly shorter than second (e.g. Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000: fig. 113)... Zombrus Marshall, 1897
  • Third labial palp segment longer than the second... 139

  • Occipital carina present dorsally and laterally; pronope absent ... 98
  • Occipital carina absent; pronope present... Cryptodoryctes Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000

  • Fore tibial spines absent ... Leptorhaconotus Granger, 1949
  • Fore tibial spines present (e.g. Fig. 5G; Marsh, 1997: figs 65-67)... 99

  • Apical lobe of scape absent; scape less than two times longer than maximally wide ... 100
  • Apical lobe of scape present (apically or sub-apically); scape two or more times longer than maximally wide... Rinamba Cameron,1912

  • Maxillary palpi six-segmented; labial palpi four-segmented; metasoma of male not depressed, rather long, not specially curved ... 101
  • Maxillary palpi five-segmented; labial palpi three-segmented; metasoma of male not depressed dorsoventrally, relatively short, curved down apically... 138

  • First flagellar segment surface dorso-ventrally not compressed ... 102
  • First flagellar segment surface dorso-ventrally compressed (sometimes strongly)... 136

  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males smooth (or striate/coriaceous) basaly ... 103
  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males at least crenulate-striate basally (often on all their surface) (e.g. Fig. 7B)... 132
  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males strongly sclerotised, distinctly convex, entirely sculptured, sixth tergite enlarged, covered following tergites... Bathycentor Saussure, 1892

  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males simple, submarginal lateral carinae absent ... 104
  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males submarginal lateral carinae present (e.g. Fig. 7E)... 130

  • Sixth tergite visible ... 105
  • Sixth tergite hidden (by the fifth tergite)... 129

  • Dorsope of first metasomal tergite present and more or less distinct ... 106
  • Dorsope of first metasomal tergite absent or indistinct... 128

  • Hind coxa dorsally without teeth (e.g. Fig. 5A, B, E) ... 107
  • Hind coxa with one to several teeth dorsally (e.g. Fig. 5C, D)... Priosphys Enderlein, 1920

  • Dorsal tentorial pits near the antennal sockets absent ... 108
  • Dorsal tentorial pits near the antennal sockets present between antenal sockets and eyes... Neurocrassus Snoflak, 1945
  • Dorsal tentorial pits near the antennal sockets present between antenal sockets only... Ontsira Cameron, 1900

  • Petiole without median carinae ... 109
  • Petiole with median carinae... 111

  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite short, nearly 0.2-0.25 as long as tergite, not fused with ventral margins of tergite, petiole absent (e.g. Fig. 6F) ... 110
  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite long, 0.3-0.5 as long as tergite and fused with its ventral margin anteriorly, petiole present (e.g. Fig. 6D, E)... genB male
  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite very long, 0.6-0.85 (or more) as long as tergite and entirely fused with it ventral margin, petiole present and long (Fig. 6A, B)... genB female

  • Malar suture absent or indistinct; first radiomedial vein (2-SR) of fore wing absent or strongly unsclerotized for the most part, then first and second submarginal cells of fore wing fused; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising before or from middle of distal vein of brachial cell (large space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein); hind wing with a distinctly enlarged submedial (subbasal) cell, the first abscissa of M + CU more than 1times, often 1.5-2.0 times, as long as second abscissa (1-M)(e.g. Fig. 3A, C) ... Bulbonervus Shenefelt, 1969
  • Malar suture present; first radiomedial vein (2-SR) of fore wing present, leading the first and second submarginal cells of fore wing separated; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising behind middle of distal vein of brachial cell (short space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein); hind wing with a small or medium sized submedial (subbasal) cell, the first abscissa of M + CU 0.2-1.0 times as long as second abscissa (1-M) (e.g. Fig. 3B, D)... Bathycentor Saussure, 1892

  • Hind tibia without (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex ... 112
  • Hind tibia with (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex... 122

  • Fore femur with more or less distinct dorsal blister; mid femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister ... 113
  • Fore femur without dorsal blister; mid femora without dorsal blister... 114

  • Hind femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister; comprising two parts; bar posterior to valvillus or valvillar zone absent; bars anterior to valvillus or valvillar zone absent ... Heterospilus Halliday, 1836
  • Hind femora without dorsal blister; comprising three parts; bar posterior to valvillus or valvillar zone present; bars anterior to valvillus or valvillar zone present... Ontsira Cameron, 1900

  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite short, nearly 0.2-0.25 as long as tergite, not fused with ventral margins of tergite, petiole absent (e.g. Fig. 6F); mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side ... 115
  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite very long, 0.6-0.85 (or more) as long as tergite and entirely fused with it ventral margin, petiole present and long (Fig. 6A, B); mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side... Spathius Nees, 1918

  • Pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view ... 116
  • Pronotum dorsally without modifications... 117

  • Vertex not striate; pronotum carina(e), collar or keel present (laterally and-or dorsally); mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing present ... Doryctes (Doryctes + Neodoryctes) Haliday, 1836
  • Vertex striate; pronotum carina(e), collar or keel absent or indistinct; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing absent with veins 2M and 3RSa,b widely separated... Terate Nixon, 1943

  • Head with sparse pilosity (short or long, sometimes in punctuations) ... 118
  • Head with long pilosity somewhere (face, vertex, fully,...)... Dendrosotinus Telenga, 1941

  • First radiomedial vein (2-SR) of fore wing present, leading the first and second submarginal cells of fore wing separated; fore wing of male without sclerotized enlargement, veins (3-SR, SR1, 2-M and 3-M) slender; basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63) ... 119
  • First radiomedial vein (2-SR) of fore wing absent or strongly unsclerotized for the most part, then first and second submarginal cells of fore wing fused; fore wing of male with sclerotized enlargement on some veins (as 3-SR, SR1, 2-M and 3-M); basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64)... Bulbonervus Shenefelt, 1969

  • Second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing present; medial (basal) cell of hind wing closed (e.g. Fig. 3E) ... 120
  • Second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing absent with veins 2M and 3RSa,b widely separated; medial (basal) cell of hind wing widely open antero-distally (vein SC+R absent)(e.g. Fig. 4G)... Hecabalodes Wilkinson, 1929

  • Brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing distally closed (brachial vein 2cu-a present); frons not excavated (flat or convex) ... 121
  • Brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing open (brachial vein 2cu-a absent); frons excavated (concave, sometimes weakly)... Allorhogas Gahan, 1912

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of fore wing interstitial (arising directly in line with 2RS); second tergite with apical lenticulate area (e.g. Fig. 6F, I) (often formed by the meeting of second suture and groove on third tergite when present); scape as long as ventrally than dorsally ... Bathycentor Saussure, 1892
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of fore wing antefurcal (arising basad with 2RS, (RS+M)b present then second submarginal cell petiolate horizontally); second tergite without apical lenticulate area (e.g. Fig. 6B, E); scape longer dorsally than ventrally... Doryctes (Doryctes + Neodoryctes) Haliday, 1836

  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining ... 123
  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured... 124

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron); brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing distally closed (brachial vein 2cu-a present) ... Doryctoproctus Belokobylskij, 2004
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing more or less curved apically to apex of wing (often vein not sclerified); pronotum dorsally without modifications; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron); brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing open (brachial vein 2cu-a absent)... Parallorhogas Marsh, 1993

  • Propodeum without lateral tubercles ... 125
  • Propodeum with lateral tubercles (as high as large at base)... 127

  • Dorsal spines of hind tibia absent (e.g. Fig. 5H, J); shape of second metasomal suture distinctly curved laterally; scape as long as ventrally than dorsally ... Monolexis Foerster, 1862
  • Dorsal spines of hind tibia present (e.g. Fig. 5I); shape of second metasomal suture straight or evenly curved (e.g. Fig. 7F); scape longer dorsally than ventrally... 126

  • Pronotum carina(e), collar or keel absent or indistinct; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated); frons excavated (concave, sometimes weakly); mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side ... Eodendrus Belokobylskij, 1998
  • Pronotum carina(e), collar or keel present (laterally and-or dorsally); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully); frons not excavated (flat or convex); mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side... Rhaconotus Ruthe, 1854

  • Eyes glabrous; occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina; pronotum dorsally without modifications; pronotum carina(e), collar or keel absent or indistinct ... Hemidoryctes Belokobylskij, 1993
  • Eyes with short setae; occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; pronotum carina(e), collar or keel present (laterally and-or dorsally)... Doryctinus Roman, 1910

  • Pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence; propodeal carinated areas completely absent; petiole apical width less than or equal to 1.5 times (or subequal to) its minimum (often measured basally) width ... genC male
  • Pronotum normal to long (visible in dorsal view); metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body)); propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E); petiole apical width more or equal to 1.6 times (even 2 times) its minimum (often measured basally) width... Spathius Nees, 1918

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere; occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated); propodeum with lateral tubercles (as high as large at base) ... Rhaconotus (Pararhacon) Belokobylskij, 2004
  • Scape shorter than first flagellomere; occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully); propodeum without lateral tubercles... Rhaconotus Ruthe, 1854

  • Parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing interstitial ... Dendrosoter Wesmael, 1838
  • Parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising before or from middle of distal vein of brachial cell (large space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein)... Caenopachys Förster, 1862 female
  • Parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising behind middle of distal vein of brachial cell (short space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein)... 131

  • Malar suture absent or indistinct; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum; propodeal carinated areas completely absent ... Polystenus Förster, 1862
  • Malar suture present; pronotum dorsally without modifications; mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum; propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E)... Bathycentor Saussure, 1892

  • Parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing interstitial ... Grangerdoryctes Belokobylskij, 2004
  • Parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising before or from middle of distal vein of brachial cell (large space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein)... Ipodoryctes Granger, 1949
  • Parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising behind middle of distal vein of brachial cell (short space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein)... 133

  • Annulus on antenae absent; hind coxa dorsally without teeth (e.g. Fig. 5A, B, E); petiole without basolateral process (pointed wing-like, spine-like projections) near base; scape as long as ventrally than dorsally ... 134
  • Annulus on antenae double; hind coxa with one to several teeth dorsally (e.g. Fig. 5C, D); petiole with basolateral process (pointed wing-like, spine-like projections) near base; scape longer dorsally than ventrally... Odontodoryctes Granger, 1949

  • Propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E); first flagellar segment longer than second (e.g. Fig. 1H, I); fore tibial spines usually few and forming a single row (e.g. Marsh, 1997: figs 65-67); basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63) ... 135
  • Propodeal carinated areas completely absent; first flagellar segment shorter than second; fore tibial spines more or less numerous and dispersed (e.g. Fig. 5G); basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64)... Gymnobracon Szépligeti, 1902

  • Pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; scutellum convex (e.g. swollen, conical, sharply raised); first radiomedial vein (2-SR) of fore wing absent or strongly unsclerotized for the most part, then first and second submarginal cells of fore wing fused; brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing open (brachial vein 2cu-a absent) ... Neoheterospilus (Neoheterospilus) Belokobylskij, 2006
  • Pronotum dorsally without modifications; scutellum flat; first radiomedial vein (2-SR) of fore wing present, leading the first and second submarginal cells of fore wing separated; brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing distally closed (brachial vein 2cu-a present)... Bathycentor Saussure, 1892

  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining; metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body)); basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves present (sometimes shallow grooves) (e.g. Fig. 6G-J); fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males at least crenulate-striate basally (often on all their surface) (e.g. Fig. 7B) ... Paradoryctes Granger, 1949
  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence; basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves absent (e.g. Fig. 6B, F); fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males smooth (or striate/coriaceous) basaly... 137

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere; pronotum very long (in dorsal view); pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; pronotum carina(e), collar or keel absent or indistinct ... Doryctophasmus Enderlein, 1912
  • Scape shorter than first flagellomere; pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); pronotum dorsally without modifications; pronotum carina(e), collar or keel present (laterally and-or dorsally)... Dendrosotinus Telenga, 1941

  • Wings present; hind femora not swollen (at least 3x longer than wide); basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63) ... Ecphylus Foerster, 1862 (winged forms)
  • Wings micropterous to scalelike pads; hind femora swollen, at most 2.6x longer than wide; basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64)... Ecphylus Foerster, 1862 (apterous or brachypterous forms)

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; scape shorter than first flagellomere; first flagellar segment more or less curved; occipital carina present dorsally and laterally ... genA
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing strongly curved to apex of wing (fully sclerified usually); scape longer than first flagellomere; first flagellar segment straigth; occipital carina absent... Ivondrovia Shenefelt & Marsh, 1976

  • Metanotum without any protuberances or spines; recurrent vein (m-cu) of fore wing interstitial (arising directly in line with 2RS) ... Toka Nixon, 1943
  • Metanotum with a short (obtuse) median tubercle; recurrent vein (m-cu) of fore wing postfurcal (arising distad 2RS, (RS+M)b absent)... Platyspathius Viereck, 1911
  • Metanotum with a long lamella (in form of inversed triangle); recurrent vein (m-cu) of fore wing antefurcal (arising basad with 2RS, (RS+M)b present then second submarginal cell petiolate horizontally)... Spathioplites Fisher, 1962

  • First flagellar segment straigth; petiole with median carinae; dorsope of first metasomal tergite present and more or less distinct; broad-based, robust spines in egg canal, posterior to valvillar zone absent ... 142
  • First flagellar segment more or less curved; petiole without median carinae; dorsope of first metasomal tergite absent or indistinct; broad-based, robust spines in egg canal, posterior to valvillar zone present... 143

  • First flagellar segment longer than second (e.g. Fig. 1H, I); annulus on antenae simple; maxillary palpi six-segmented; labial palpi four-segmented ... Pseudodoryctes Szépligeti, 1915
  • First flagellar segment shorter than second; annulus on antenae absent; maxillary palpi five-segmented; labial palpi three-segmented... Aivalykus Nixon, 1938

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere; mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum; median lobe of mesoscutum without longitudinal median furrow anteriorly; acrosternite of first metasomal tergite very long, 0.6-0.85 (or more) as long as tergite and entirely fused with it ventral margin, petiole present and long (Fig. 6A, B) ... Stephanospathius Belokobylskij, 1993
  • Scape shorter than first flagellomere; mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum; median lobe of mesoscutum with longitudinal median furrow or groove (smooth, coriaceous or weakly crenulate) anteriorly; acrosternite of first metasomal tergite long, 0.3-0.5 as long as tergite and fused with its ventral margin anteriorly, petiole present (e.g. Fig. 6D, E)... Schlettereriella Szépligeti, 1904

  • Vertex rounded dorso-laterally near dorsal eye margin ... 145
  • Vertex sharply angled dorso-laterally near dorsal eye margin... Paraheterospilus Marsh, 2013

  • First and second tergites not fused (e.g. Fig. 5G-J) ... 146
  • First and second tergites fused (e.g. Belokobylskij, 2000: figs 10, 11, 23, 24; Barbalho & Penteado-Dias, 2002: fig. 4)... 258

  • Propodeum without median process ... 147
  • Propodeum with a median raised tooth or tubercle... Coiba Marsh, 1993
  • Propodeum with a medio-longitudinal raised lamella... Bohartiellus Marsh, 1983

  • Annulus on antenae absent ... 148
  • Annulus on antenae simple... 256

  • Notauli complete or at least partly present (smooth or sculptured)(e.g. Marsh, 1993: fig. 14) ... 149
  • Notauli entirely absent (e.g. Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000: fig. 86)... 248

  • Fore femur with more or less distinct dorsal blister ... 150
  • Fore femur without dorsal blister... 167

  • Petiole without median carinae ... 151
  • Petiole with median carinae... 153

  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite short, nearly 0.2-0.25 as long as tergite, not fused with ventral margins of tergite, petiole absent (e.g. Fig. 6F); ovipositor nodus double (or more as Cryptodoryctes), with both nodus well developed (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: figs 1-8) ... 152
  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite long, 0.3-0.5 as long as tergite and fused with its ventral margin anteriorly, petiole present (e.g. Fig. 6D, E); ovipositor nodus single (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: figs 9-11)... Curtiselloides Marsh, 2002
  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite very long, 0.6-0.85 (or more) as long as tergite and entirely fused with it ventral margin, petiole present and long (Fig. 6A, B); ovipositor nodus without visible node (but lower valves serrate)... Ficobolus Martinez, Belokobylskij & Zaldivar-Riveron, 2014

  • First flagellar segment straigth; third labial palp segment distinctly shorter than second (e.g. Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000: fig. 113); mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining ... Monarea Szépligeti, 1904
  • First flagellar segment more or less curved; third labial palp segment as long as the second; mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured... Curtisella Spinola, 1853

  • Maxillary palpi six-segmented ... 154
  • Maxillary palpi five-segmented... Ondigus Braet, Barbalhoa & van Achterberg, 2003

  • Scape less than two times longer than maximally wide; second metasomal suture present (e.g. Fig. 7C, D, F) ... 155
  • Scape two or more times longer than maximally wide; second metasomal suture indistinct, to largely or entirely absent (e.g. Figs 6B, E, 7E)... Venifurca Gadelha, Nunes & Zaldívar-Riverón, 2016

  • Propodeal bridge between abdominal and coxal foramina absent ... 156
  • Propodeal bridge between abdominal and coxal foramina present... Neostaphius Braet, Barbalhoa & van Achterberg, 2003

  • Dorsope of first metasomal tergite present and more or less distinct ... 157
  • Dorsope of first metasomal tergite absent or indistinct... Concurtisella Roman, 1924

  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron) ... 158
  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron)... 163

  • Frons excavated (concave, sometimes weakly) ... 159
  • Frons not excavated (flat or convex)... 161

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing largely tubular (e.g. Fig. 4H; Marsh, 1997: figs 16, 18, 30); brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing distally closed (brachial vein 2cu-a present); basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves present (sometimes shallow grooves) (e.g. Fig. 6G-J) ... Pedinotus Szépligeti, 1902
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing more or less curved apically to apex of wing (often vein not sclerified); second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing with wide bulla (e.g. Fig. 3d); brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing open (brachial vein 2cu-a absent); basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves absent (e.g. Fig. 6B, F)... 160

  • Eyes not emarginated; vertex not striate; pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated) ... Semirhytus Szépligeti, 1902
  • Eyes more or less emarginated on their inner sides; vertex striate; pronotum normal to long (visible in dorsal view); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully)... Johnsonius Marsh, 1993

  • Occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina; mid femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister; mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side; hind tibia without (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex ... 162
  • Occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina; mid femora without dorsal blister; mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side; hind tibia with (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex... Parallorhogas Marsh, 1993

  • Petiole median carinae very short (less than or equal to the third of petiole length); hind basitarsus 0.7 times as long as tarsi 2-5 combined or more; hind femora without dorsal blister; scape as long as ventrally than dorsally ... Hypodoryctes Kokujev, 1900
  • Petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole); hind basitarsus 0.4 to 0.7 times as long as tarsi 2-5 combined; hind femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister; scape longer dorsally than ventrally... Heterospilus Halliday, 1836

  • Malar suture absent or indistinct; occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina; propodeum completely or partly (micro)sculptured (e.g. Fig. 2E); hind femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister ... 164
  • Malar suture present; occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina; propodeum almost entirely smooth (visible in the carinated areola); hind femora without dorsal blister... Parsteres Gadelha, Nunes & De Oliveira, 2016

  • Petiole median carinae very short (less than or equal to the third of petiole length) ... Barbalhoa Marsh, 2002
  • Petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole)... 165

  • Metanotum without any protuberances or spines; metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence; frons not excavated (flat or convex); mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side ... 166
  • Metanotum with a short (obtuse) median tubercle; metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body)); frons excavated (concave, sometimes weakly); mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side... Doryctinus Roman, 1910

  • Median lobe of mesoscutum rounded antero-laterally; propodeum not convex, sloping from base to apex or horizontal, to weakly convex (only slowly rounded); scape longer dorsally than ventrally; male genitalia with basal lobe of basal ring (e.g. Fig. 7B, G) ... Heterospilus Halliday, 1836
  • Median lobe of mesoscutum with lateral corners anteriorly angled, toothed or (very) acute; propodeum clearly convex; scape as long as ventrally than dorsally; male genitalia without basal lobe of basal ring (e.g. Fig. 8A, C)... Coiba Marsh, 1993

  • Mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum ... 168
  • Mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum... 231
  • Mesoscutum overhanging over the pronotum... Sabinita Belokobylskij, Zaldivar-Riveron & Martinez, 2014

  • Fore tibial spines absent ... 169
  • Fore tibial spines present (e.g. Fig. 5G; Marsh, 1997: figs 65-67)... 171

  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining; basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves absent (e.g. Fig. 6B, F); vertex not striate ... 170
  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves present (sometimes shallow grooves) (e.g. Fig. 6G-J); vertex striate... Sericobracon Shaw & Edgerly, 1985

  • Notauli meeting a sculptured area before scutelar sulcus; vein r of fore wing arising distinctly after(behind) middle of pterostigma; nervellus (cu-a) of fore wing interstitial; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising behind middle of distal vein of brachial cell (short space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein) ... Lissodoryctes Marsh, 2002
  • Notauli meeting at the scutelar sulcus; vein r of fore wing arising submedially from pterostigma; nervellus (cu-a) of fore wing postfurcal (e.g. Fig. 3A-F); parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing interstitial... Preembobracon Quicke & Butcher, 2015

  • Propodeum not convex, sloping from base to apex or horizontal, to weakly convex (only slowly rounded) ... 172
  • Propodeum clearly convex... 222

  • Basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves absent (e.g. Fig. 6B, F) ... 173
  • Basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves present (sometimes shallow grooves) (e.g. Fig. 6G-J)... 211

  • Hind tibia without (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex ... 174
  • Hind tibia with (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex... 202

  • Basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64) ... 175
  • Basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63)... 188

  • Third tergite without any distinct transverse narrow depression/depression (e.g. Fig. 6B, F, G) ... 176
  • Third tergite with a distinct transverse depression (furrow) (usually between its anterior third and the middle, e.g. Fig. 6H)(sometimes meeting laterally second metasomal suture and enclosing a lenticular area)... 186

  • Scape less than two times longer than maximally wide ... 177
  • Scape two or more times longer than maximally wide... 184

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere ... 178
  • Scape shorter than first flagellomere... 179
  • Scape longer than first flagellomere... Doryctopambolus Nunes & Zaldívar-Riverón, 2012

  • Petiole median carinae very short (less than or equal to the third of petiole length); petiole from 1 times to 1.5 times longer than apical width ... Nervellius Roman, 1924
  • Petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole; petiole less than 1 times longer than apical width... Cryptontsira Belokobylskij, 2008
  • Petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole); petiole from 1.5 times to 2.5 times as long its apical width... Micrommatus Marsh, 1993

  • Wings present ... 180
  • Wings micropterous to scalelike pads... Ecphylus Foerster, 1862 (apterous or brachypterous forms)

  • Parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing interstitial ... 181
  • Parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising before or from middle of distal vein of brachial cell (large space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein)... 183
  • Parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising behind middle of distal vein of brachial cell (short space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein)... Mononeuron Fischer, 1981

  • Labial palpi four-segmented ... Micrommatus Marsh, 1993
  • Labial palpi three-segmented... Ecphylus Foerster, 1862 (New World taxa)
  • Labial palpi two-segmented (e.g. van Achterberg, 1995: fig. 46)... 182

  • Apical maxillary palpomere not modified and as long as or longer than the previous; occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina; scutellum without lateral carinae; metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body)) ... Labania Hedqvist, 1963
  • Apical maxillary palpomere modified and shorter than the previous; occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina; scutellum with (fine) lateral carinae (at least in anterior part); metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence... Preembobracon Quicke & Butcher, 2015

  • Occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina; vertex striate; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; notauli reaching the scutelar sulcus but not joigning each other ... Bolivar Zaldívar-Riverón & Rodríguez-Jiménez, 2013
  • Occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina; vertex not striate; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining; notauli meeting at the scutelar sulcus... Glaucia Braga, Barbalho & Penteado-Dias, 2002

  • Ovipositor nodus single (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: figs 9-11); scape longer dorsally than ventrally ... Histeromeroides Marsh, 1993
  • Ovipositor nodus double, with a second node weakly developed (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: fig. 12); scape longer ventrally than dorsally... Rinamba Cameron,1912
  • Ovipositor nodus double (or more as Cryptodoryctes), with both nodus well developed (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: figs 1-8); scape as long as ventrally than dorsally... 185

  • Hind coxa rond dorsally; third labial palp segment as long as the second; occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere ... Verae Marsh, 1993
  • Hind coxa with toothed carina dorsally; third labial palp segment distinctly shorter than second (e.g. Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000: fig. 113); occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining; scape longer than first flagellomere... Nervellius Roman, 1924 (N. philippus Braet, 2014)

  • Occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina; pronotum dorsally without modifications; brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing open (brachial vein 2cu-a absent); hind wing without transverse vein (r) of radial cell ... 187
  • Occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing distally closed (brachial vein 2cu-a present); hind wing with a transverse vein (r) of radial cell(e.g. Marsh, 1997: fig. 12)... Megaloproctus Schulz, 1906

  • Vertex not striate; mesoscutum surface of median lobe sculptured and lateral lobes smooth (or vice versa); scutellum convex (e.g. swollen, conical, sharply raised); propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E) ... Tuberatra Gadelha, Nunes & De Oliveira, 2016
  • Vertex striate; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining; scutellum flat; propodeal carinated areas completely absent... Pannuceus Marsh, 2002

  • Propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E) ... 189
  • Propodeal carinated areas completely absent... 199

  • Occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina ... 190
  • Occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina... 197

  • Propodeum completely or partly (micro)sculptured (e.g. Fig. 2E) ... 191
  • Propodeum almost entirely smooth (visible in the carinated areola)... 196

  • Third labial palp segment as long as the second ... 192
  • Third labial palp segment distinctly shorter than second (e.g. Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000: fig. 113)... Araucania Marsh, 1993

  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite short, nearly 0.2-0.25 as long as tergite, not fused with ventral margins of tergite, petiole absent (e.g. Fig. 6F) ... 193
  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite very long, 0.6-0.85 (or more) as long as tergite and entirely fused with it ventral margin, petiole present and long (Fig. 6A, B)... 195

  • Scape less than two times longer than maximally wide; scape shorter than first flagellomere ... 194
  • Scape two or more times longer than maximally wide; scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere... Whartonius Marsh, 1993

  • Parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising before or from middle of distal vein of brachial cell (large space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein); frons not excavated (flat or convex); shape of second metasomal suture distinctly curved laterally; bar posterior to valvillus or valvillar zone present ... Donquickeia Marsh, 1997
  • Parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising behind middle of distal vein of brachial cell (short space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein); frons excavated (concave, sometimes weakly); shape of second metasomal suture straight or evenly curved (e.g. Fig. 7F); bar posterior to valvillus or valvillar zone absent... Allorhogas Gahan, 1912

  • Petiole apical width less than or equal to 1.5 times (or subequal to) its minimum (often measured basally) width; mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side ... Spathiospilus Marsh, 1999
  • Petiole apical width more or equal to 1.6 times (even 2 times) its minimum (often measured basally) width; mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side... Spathius Nees, 1918

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of fore wing postfurcal (arising distad 2RS, (RS+M)b absent); brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing open (brachial vein 2cu-a absent); hind wing with a distinctly enlarged submedial (subbasal) cell, the first abscissa of M + CU more than 1times, often 1.5-2.0 times, as long as second abscissa (1-M)(e.g. Fig. 3A, C) ... Waitaca Marsh, 1993
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of fore wing interstitial (arising directly in line with 2RS); brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing distally closed (brachial vein 2cu-a present); hind wing with a small or medium sized submedial (subbasal) cell, the first abscissa of M + CU 0.2-1.0 times as long as second abscissa (1-M) (e.g. Fig. 3B, D)... Lissodoryctes Marsh, 2002

  • Petiole apical width less than or equal to 1.5 times (or subequal to) its minimum (often measured basally) width; petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole; third tergite with a distinct transverse depression (furrow) (usually between its anterior third and the middle, e.g. Fig. 6H)(sometimes meeting laterally second metasomal suture and enclosing a lenticular area); head fully covered with dense silvery pilosity (like mesosoma) ... Tripteroides Marsh, 2002
  • Petiole apical width more or equal to 1.6 times (even 2 times) its minimum (often measured basally) width; petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole); third tergite without any distinct transverse narrow depression/depression (e.g. Fig. 6B, F, G); head with sparse pilosity (short or long, sometimes in punctuations)... 198

  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully); metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body)); mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side ... Spathius Nees, 1918
  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated); metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence; mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side... Glaucia Braga, Barbalho & Penteado-Dias, 2002

  • Dorsope of first metasomal tergite present and more or less distinct ... 200
  • Dorsope of first metasomal tergite absent or indistinct... 201

  • Occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina; scape two or more times longer than maximally wide; scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere; brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing open (brachial vein 2cu-a absent) ... Whartonius Marsh, 1993
  • Occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina; scape less than two times longer than maximally wide; scape shorter than first flagellomere; brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing distally closed (brachial vein 2cu-a present)... Cyphodoryctes Marsh, 1997

  • Scutellum flat; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing present; sclerified apical part vein 2-1A of fore wing not shortened; hind wing without the recurrent vein (m-cu) ... Subcurtisella Roman, 1924
  • Scutellum convex (e.g. swollen, conical, sharply raised); second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing absent with veins 2M and 3RSa,b widely separated; sclerified apical part vein 2-1A of fore wing more or less shortened; hind wing with the recurrent vein (m-cu)... Masonius Marsh, 1993

  • Ovipositor nodus without visible node (but lower valves serrate) ... 203
  • Ovipositor nodus single (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: figs 9-11)... Tarasco Marsh, 1993
  • Ovipositor nodus double, with a second node weakly developed (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: fig. 12)... Fritziella Marsh, 1993
  • Ovipositor nodus double (or more as Cryptodoryctes), with both nodus well developed (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: figs 1-8)... 204

  • Scape less than two times longer than maximally wide; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; notauli meeting at the scutelar sulcus; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully) ... Heterospathius Barbalho & Penteado-Dias, 1999
  • Scape two or more times longer than maximally wide; mesoscutum surface of median lobe sculptured and lateral lobes smooth (or vice versa); notauli meeting a sculptured area before scutelar sulcus; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated)... Caingangia Marsh, 1993

  • Third tergite without any distinct transverse narrow depression/depression (e.g. Fig. 6B, F, G) ... 205
  • Third tergite with a distinct transverse depression (furrow) (usually between its anterior third and the middle, e.g. Fig. 6H)(sometimes meeting laterally second metasomal suture and enclosing a lenticular area)... 210

  • Petiole without median carinae ... 206
  • Petiole with median carinae... 207

  • Labial palpi four-segmented; occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina; apical lobe of scape absent; metanotum with a short and acute erected spine medially ... Notiospathius Matthews & Marsh, 1973
  • Labial palpi three-segmented; occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina; apical lobe of scape present (apically or sub-apically); metanotum without any protuberances or spines... Achterbergia Marsh, 1993

  • Pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; first radiomedial vein (2-SR) of fore wing present, leading the first and second submarginal cells of fore wing separated ... 208
  • Pronotum normal to long (visible in dorsal view); mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining; first radiomedial vein (2-SR) of fore wing absent or strongly unsclerotized for the most part, then first and second submarginal cells of fore wing fused... Dapsilitas Braet, Barbalhoa & van Achterberg, 2003

  • Petiole median carinae very short (less than or equal to the third of petiole length) ... 209
  • Petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole... Aivalykus Nixon, 1938
  • Petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole)... Hecabolus Curtis, 1837

  • Vertex not striate; pronotum dorsally without modifications; propodeum with lateral tubercles (as high as large at base); second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing present ... Hemidoryctes Belokobylskij, 1993
  • Vertex striate; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; propodeum without lateral tubercles; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing absent with veins 2M and 3RSa,b widely separated... Monolexis Foerster, 1862

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence; propodeal carinated areas completely absent ... Acanthorhogas Szepligeti, 1906
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing more or less curved apically to apex of wing (often vein not sclerified); mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining; metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body)); propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E)... Tripteria Enderlein, 1912

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base ... 212
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing more or less curved apically to apex of wing (often vein not sclerified)... 219
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing strongly curved to apex of wing (fully sclerified usually)... 220

  • Brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing distally closed (brachial vein 2cu-a present) ... 213
  • Brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing open (brachial vein 2cu-a absent)... 216

  • Nervellus (cu-a) of fore wing postfurcal (e.g. Fig. 3A-F) ... 214
  • Nervellus (cu-a) of fore wing interstitial... Liobracon Szépligeti, 1901
  • Nervellus (cu-a) of fore wing antefurcal (e.g. Fig. 4E)... Hybodoryctes Szépligeti, 1906

  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron); scape shorter than first flagellomere; petiole without basolateral process (pointed wing-like, spine-like projections) near base ... 215
  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron); scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere; petiole with basolateral process (pointed wing-like, spine-like projections) near base... Osmophila Szépligeti, 1902

  • Second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing with wide bulla (e.g. Fig. 3d); fore tibial spines more or less numerous and dispersed (e.g. Fig. 5G); fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males at least crenulate-striate basally (often on all their surface) (e.g. Fig. 7B); basal area of second tergite narrow, width of its apical part significantly less than basal width (e.g. Fig. 7A, B) ... Gymnobracon Szépligeti, 1902
  • Second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing largely tubular (e.g. Fig. 4H; Marsh, 1997: figs 16, 18, 30); fore tibial spines usually few and forming a single row (e.g. Marsh, 1997: figs 65-67); fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males strongly sclerotised, distinctly convex, entirely sculptured, sixth tergite enlarged, covered following tergites; basal area of second tergite posteriorly wide, width of its apical part subequal to or slightly less than basal width (e.g. Fig. 6G, J)... Pedinotus Szépligeti, 1902

  • Petiole median carinae very short (less than or equal to the third of petiole length) ... Vanderentiellus Marsh, 2002
  • Petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole)... 217

  • Ovipositor nodus double, with a second node weakly developed (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: fig. 12) ... 218
  • Ovipositor nodus double (or more as Cryptodoryctes), with both nodus well developed (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: figs 1-8)... Hecabolus Curtis, 1837
  • Ovipositor nodus modified apically (more or less widened)... Neoheterospilus (Neoheterospilus) Belokobylskij, 2006

  • Vertex not striate; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated); first radiomedial vein (2-SR) of fore wing absent or strongly unsclerotized for the most part, then first and second submarginal cells of fore wing fused; hind wing male without a stigma-like enlargement (e.g. Fig. 3A, C) ... Pioscelus Muesebeck & Walkley, 1951
  • Vertex striate; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully); first radiomedial vein (2-SR) of fore wing present, leading the first and second submarginal cells of fore wing separated; hind wing male with a stigma-like enlargement in distal part of costal (1-SC + R) vein, without incurved marginal parts (e.g. Fig. 2H-K)... Glyptocolastes Ashmead, 1900

  • Occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina; scape less than two times longer than maximally wide; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; apical lobe of scape absent ... Neoheterospilus (Neoheterospilus) Belokobylskij, 2006
  • Occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina; scape two or more times longer than maximally wide; pronotum dorsally without modifications; apical lobe of scape present (apically or sub-apically)... Whitfieldiellus Marsh, 1997

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere; propodeal carinated areas completely absent; hind coxa dorsally without teeth (e.g. Fig. 5A, B, E); mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side ... 221
  • Scape shorter than first flagellomere; propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E); hind coxa with one to several teeth dorsally (e.g. Fig. 5C, D); mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side... Odontobracon Cameron, 1887

  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully); hind wing without transverse vein (r) of radial cell; pronope absent; male genitalia basal ring (gonobase) medium sized (e;g; Fig.8A) ... Holcobracon Cameron, 1905
  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated); hind wing with a transverse vein (r) of radial cell(e.g. Marsh, 1997: fig. 12); pronope present; male genitalia basal ring (gonobase) short (e.g. Fig. 8C, D)... Nervellius Roman, 1924

  • Hind wing with the nervellus (cu-a) vein inclivous (e.g. Figs 3E, 4B)(inclinated to base of wing) ... 223
  • Hind wing with the nervellus (cu-a) vein reclivous (e.g. Figs 3E, 4B)(inclinated to apex of wing)... 230
  • Hind wing without the nervellus (cu-a) vein (e.g. Fig. 4A, E)... Psenobolus Reinhard, 1885 (female and winged form)

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base ... 224
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing more or less curved apically to apex of wing (often vein not sclerified)... 228

  • Metanotum without any protuberances or spines ... 225
  • Metanotum with a short and acute erected spine medially... Notiospathius Matthews & Marsh, 1973
  • Metanotum with a short (obtuse) median tubercle... Cerritulus Zaldivar-Riveron, Belokobylskij & Braet, 2019

  • Parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing interstitial ... Monitoriella Hedqvist, 1963
  • Parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising before or from middle of distal vein of brachial cell (large space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein)... Heredius Marsh, 2002
  • Parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising behind middle of distal vein of brachial cell (short space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein)... 226

  • Pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; scutellum convex (e.g. swollen, conical, sharply raised); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron); scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere ... Neoheterospilus (Harpoheterospilus) Belokobylskij, 2006
  • Pronotum dorsally without modifications; scutellum flat; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron); scape shorter than first flagellomere... 227

  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining; propodeal bridge between abdominal and coxal foramina present; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing present; first radiomedial vein (2-SR) of fore wing present, leading the first and second submarginal cells of fore wing separated ... Evaniodes Szépligeti, 1901
  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; propodeal bridge between abdominal and coxal foramina absent; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing absent with veins 2M and 3RSa,b widely separated; first radiomedial vein (2-SR) of fore wing absent or strongly unsclerotized for the most part, then first and second submarginal cells of fore wing fused... Canchim Barbalho & Penteado-Dias, 1999

  • Pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; scutellum convex (e.g. swollen, conical, sharply raised); metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence; dorsope of first metasomal tergite absent or indistinct ... Plesiopsenobolus Belokobylskij, Martinez & Zaldivar-Riveron, 2014
  • Pronotum dorsally without modifications; scutellum flat; metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body)); dorsope of first metasomal tergite present and more or less distinct... 229

  • Median lobe of mesoscutum without longitudinal median furrow anteriorly; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing with wide bulla (e.g. Fig. 3d) ... Stenocorse Marsh, 1968
  • Median lobe of mesoscutum with longitudinal median furrow or groove (smooth, coriaceous or weakly crenulate) anteriorly; mesoscutum covered with dense long white hairs; scape shorter than first flagellomere; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing largely tubular (e.g. Fig. 4H; Marsh, 1997: figs 16, 18, 30)... Jataiella Barbalho & Penteado-Dias, 1999

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; scape less than two times longer than maximally wide; pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); vein r of fore wing arising submedially from pterostigma ... Heerz Marsh, 1993
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing more or less curved apically to apex of wing (often vein not sclerified); scape two or more times longer than maximally wide; pronotum normal to long (visible in dorsal view); vein r of fore wing arising distinctly before middle of pterostigma... Lissopius Marsh, 2002

  • Prescutellar depression (scutellar sulcus) long and narrow or of medium length ... 232
  • Prescutellar depression (scutellar sulcus) absent... Oroceguera Seltmann & Sharkey, 2007

  • Propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E) ... 233
  • Propodeal carinated areas completely absent... 239

  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully) ... 234
  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated)... 238

  • Petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole; frons excavated (concave, sometimes weakly) ... Dicarinoryctes Braet & van Achterberg, 2001
  • Petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole); frons not excavated (flat or convex)... 235

  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males smooth (or striate/coriaceous) basaly; basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63) ... 236
  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males at least crenulate-striate basally (often on all their surface) (e.g. Fig. 7B); basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64)... Rimacollus Marsh, 2002

  • Postgenal bridge narrow ... 237
  • Postgenal bridge wide... Guaygata Marsh, 1993

  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron); metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body)); acrosternite of first metasomal tergite very long, 0.6-0.85 (or more) as long as tergite and entirely fused with it ventral margin, petiole present and long (Fig. 6A, B); mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side ... Spathius Nees, 1918
  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron); metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence; acrosternite of first metasomal tergite short, nearly 0.2-0.25 as long as tergite, not fused with ventral margins of tergite, petiole absent (e.g. Fig. 6F); mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side... Leluthia Cameron, 1887

  • Occipital carina present dorsally and laterally; pronotum dorsally without modifications; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing with wide bulla (e.g. Fig. 3d) ... Panama Marsh, 1993
  • Occipital carina absent; pronotum with pointed spines or tubercles; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing largely tubular (e.g. Fig. 4H; Marsh, 1997: figs 16, 18, 30)... Binarea Brullé, 1846

  • Dorsope of first metasomal tergite present and more or less distinct ... 240
  • Dorsope of first metasomal tergite absent or indistinct... 247

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere ... 241
  • Scape shorter than first flagellomere... 242
  • Scape longer than first flagellomere... Doryctopambolus Nunes & Zaldívar-Riverón, 2012

  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite short, nearly 0.2-0.25 as long as tergite, not fused with ventral margins of tergite, petiole absent (e.g. Fig. 6F); fore wing more or less infuscate (sometimes with pale spots inside) ... Shawius Marsh, 1993
  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite long, 0.3-0.5 as long as tergite and fused with its ventral margin anteriorly, petiole present (e.g. Fig. 6D, E); fore wing banded... Aphelopsia Marsh, 1993
  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite very long, 0.6-0.85 (or more) as long as tergite and entirely fused with it ventral margin, petiole present and long (Fig. 6A, B); fore wing hyaline... Sharkeyella Marsh, 1993

  • Third labial palp segment as long as the second ... 243
  • Third labial palp segment distinctly shorter than second (e.g. Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000: fig. 113)... Ptesimogaster Marsh, 1965

  • Fore tibial spines more or less numerous and dispersed (e.g. Fig. 5G); mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side ... Janzenia Marsh, 1993
  • Fore tibial spines usually few and forming a single row (e.g. Marsh, 1997: figs 65-67); mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side... 244

  • Pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; scape longer dorsally than ventrally ... 245
  • Pronotum dorsally without modifications; scape as long as ventrally than dorsally... 246

  • First flagellar segment straigth; eyes more or less emarginated on their inner sides; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron); head with sparse pilosity (short or long, sometimes in punctuations) ... Leluthia Cameron, 1887
  • First flagellar segment more or less curved; eyes not emarginated; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron); head with long pilosity somewhere (face, vertex, fully,...)... Callihormius Ashmead, 1900b

  • Maxillary palpi six-segmented; labial palpi four-segmented; occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina; vertex striate ... Ptesimogaster Marsh, 1965
  • Maxillary palpi four-segmented; labial palpi three-segmented; occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina; vertex not striate... Ecphylopsis Ashmead, 1900

  • Vertex not striate; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing largely tubular (e.g. Fig. 4H; Marsh, 1997: figs 16, 18, 30); basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves present (sometimes shallow grooves) (e.g. Fig. 6G-J); occipital carina not meeting hypostomal carina ... Trigonophasmus Enderlein, 1912
  • Vertex striate; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing with wide bulla (e.g. Fig. 3d); basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves absent (e.g. Fig. 6B, F); occipital carina meeting hypostomal carina... Lianus Gomes & Penteado-Dias, 2006

  • Maxillary palpi six-segmented ... 249
  • Maxillary palpi five-segmented... Embobracon van Achterberg, 1995
  • Maxillary palpi four-segmented... Ecphylopsis Ashmead, 1900
  • Maxillary palpi three-segmented (e.g. van Achterberg, 1995: fig. 46)... 255
  • Maxillary palpi two-segmented (e.g. van Achterberg, 1995: fig. 56)... Ypsistocerus Cushman, 1923

  • Dorsope of first metasomal tergite present and more or less distinct; basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63) ... 250
  • Dorsope of first metasomal tergite absent or indistinct; basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64)... 253

  • First flagellar segment longer than second (e.g. Fig. 1H, I); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron); hind wing with the recurrent vein (m-cu) ... 251
  • First flagellar segment (sub)equal to second (e.g. Fig. 1L); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron); hind wing without the recurrent vein (m-cu)... Platydoryctes Barbalhoa & Penteado-Dias, 2000

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; eyes glabrous; metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence; propodeal carinated areas completely absent ... 252
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing more or less curved apically to apex of wing (often vein not sclerified); eyes with short setae; metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body)); propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E)... Stenocorse Marsh, 1968

  • Malar suture absent or indistinct; vertex not striate; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum ... Callihormius Ashmead, 1900b
  • Malar suture present; vertex striate; pronotum dorsally without modifications; mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum... Percnobraconoides Marsh, 1989

  • Labial palpi four-segmented; scape less than two times longer than maximally wide; mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum; scutellum flat ... 254
  • Labial palpi three-segmented; scape two or more times longer than maximally wide; mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum; scutellum convex (e.g. swollen, conical, sharply raised)... Percnobracon Kieffer & Jörgensen, 1910

  • Occipital carina present dorsally and laterally; vertex striate; prescutellar depression (scutellar sulcus) long and narrow or of medium length; epicnemial carina (prepectal carina) present laterally and ventrally ... Angelica Marsh, 2002
  • Occipital carina absent; vertex not striate; prescutellar depression (scutellar sulcus) considerably shortened (e.g. Achterberg, 1995: figs 35, 55); epicnemial carina (prepectal carina) absent... Psenobolus Reinhard, 1885 (male and brachypterous form)

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere; wings reduced or brachypterous (wings shorter than metasoma) ... Termitobracon Brues, 1923 (male)
  • Scape longer than first flagellomere; wings present... Termitobracon Brues, 1923 (female)

  • Notauli meeting before the scutelar sulcus ... Leptodoryctes Barbalho & Penteado-Dias, 1999
  • Notauli meeting a sculptured area before scutelar sulcus... 257
  • Notauli reaching the scutelar sulcus but not joigning each other... Bolivar Zaldívar-Riverón & Rodríguez-Jiménez, 2013

  • Maxillary palpi six-segmented; median lobe of mesoscutum rounded antero-laterally; petiole with median carinae; apical maxillary palpomere not modified and as long as or longer than the previous ... Heterospilus Halliday, 1836
  • Maxillary palpi five-segmented; median lobe of mesoscutum with lateral corners anteriorly angled, toothed or (very) acute; petiole without median carinae; apical maxillary palpomere longer than the previous... Sergey Martínez, Lázaro, Pedraza-Lara & Zaldívar-Riverón, 2016

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere; malar suture present; eyes with short setae; third tergite without any distinct transverse narrow depression/depression (e.g. Fig. 6B, F, G) ... Mexiare Belokobylskij, Samaca-Saenz & Zaldivar-Riveron, 2015
  • Scape shorter than first flagellomere; malar suture absent or indistinct; eyes glabrous; third tergite with a distinct transverse depression (furrow) (usually between its anterior third and the middle, e.g. Fig. 6H)(sometimes meeting laterally second metasomal suture and enclosing a lenticular area)... 259

  • Eyes not emarginated; pronotum normal to long (visible in dorsal view); mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising before or from middle of distal vein of brachial cell (large space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein) ... Iare Barbalho & Penteado-Dias, 2002
  • Eyes more or less emarginated on their inner sides; pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising behind middle of distal vein of brachial cell (short space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein)... Pedinotus Szépligeti, 1902

  • Epicnemial carina (prepectal carina) present laterally and ventrally ... 261
  • Epicnemial carina (prepectal carina) present only ventrally... 305
  • Epicnemial carina (prepectal carina) absent... 306

  • Apical lobe of scape absent ... 262
  • Apical lobe of scape present (apically or sub-apically)... 304

  • Propodeal bridge between abdominal and coxal foramina absent ... 263
  • Propodeal bridge between abdominal and coxal foramina present... 303

  • Vein M+CU of fore wing straight or slightly curved ... 264
  • Vein M+CU of fore wing strongly curved... 302

  • Labial palpi four-segmented ... 265
  • Labial palpi three-segmented... 300

  • Second and third tergites not enlarged, nor covering following tergites ... 266
  • Second and third tergites enlarged, covering the following tegites... Chelonodoryctes Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000

  • First and second tergites not fused (e.g. Fig. 5G-J) ... 267
  • First and second tergites fused (e.g. Belokobylskij, 2000: figs 10, 11, 23, 24; Barbalho & Penteado-Dias, 2002: fig. 4)... 299

  • Scape less than two times longer than maximally wide ... 268
  • Scape two or more times longer than maximally wide... Spathius (Antespathius) Belokobylskij, 1995

  • Third labial palp segment as long as the second ... 269
  • Third labial palp segment distinctly shorter than second (e.g. Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000: fig. 113)... 298

  • Petiole without median carinae ... Halycaea Cameron, 1903
  • Petiole with median carinae... 270

  • Hind femur without teeth on ventral side ... 271
  • Hind femur with more than one tooth (often one or two and several smaller) on ventral side... Euscelinus Westwood, 1882

  • Metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence ... 272
  • Metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body))... 294

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere ... 273
  • Scape shorter than first flagellomere... 276
  • Scape longer than first flagellomere... Ipodoryctes Granger, 1949

  • Petiole median carinae very short (less than or equal to the third of petiole length) ... Doryctophasmus Enderlein, 1912
  • Petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole... 274
  • Petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole)... 275

  • Vein r of fore wing arising distinctly before middle of pterostigma; hind femora swollen, at most 2.6x longer than wide; basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64); frons excavated (concave, sometimes weakly) ... Cryptontsira Belokobylskij, 2008
  • Vein r of fore wing arising distinctly after(behind) middle of pterostigma; hind femora not swollen (at least 3x longer than wide); basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63); frons not excavated (flat or convex)... Spathiomorpha Tobias, 1976

  • Pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum; median lobe of mesoscutum with lateral corners anteriorly angled, toothed or (very) acute; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining ... Neoheterospilus (Neoheterospilus) Belokobylskij, 2006
  • Pronotum dorsally without modifications; mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum; median lobe of mesoscutum rounded antero-laterally; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured... Ipodoryctes Granger, 1949

  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining ... 277
  • Mesoscutum surface of median lobe sculptured and lateral lobes smooth (or vice versa)... Heterospilus Halliday, 1836
  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured... 280

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing distally closed (brachial vein 2cu-a present); sclerified apical part vein 2-1A of fore wing not shortened; hind tibia without (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex ... 278
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing more or less curved apically to apex of wing (often vein not sclerified); brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing open (brachial vein 2cu-a absent); sclerified apical part vein 2-1A of fore wing more or less shortened; hind tibia with (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex... Parallorhogas Marsh, 1993

  • Second abscissa of costal vein in hind wing absent or not sclerotized ... 279
  • Second abscissa of costal vein in hind wing usually present and sclerotized... Ryukyuspathius Belokobylskij, 2008

  • Petiole median carinae very short (less than or equal to the third of petiole length); subctenidial setae distinctly flattened ... Hypodoryctes Kokujev, 1900
  • Petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole; subctenidial setae not or hardly flattened... Doryctes (Doryctes + Neodoryctes) Haliday, 1836
  • Petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole); subctenidial setae strongly flattened... Spathius (Ambispathius) Belokobylskij, 1995

  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males simple, submarginal lateral carinae absent ... 281
  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males submarginal lateral carinae present (e.g. Fig. 7E)... 293

  • Propodeum completely or partly (micro)sculptured (e.g. Fig. 2E) ... 282
  • Propodeum almost entirely smooth (visible in the carinated areola)... Asiaontsira Belokobylskij, Pu and Chen, 2013

  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males smooth (or striate/coriaceous) basaly ... 283
  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males at least crenulate-striate basally (often on all their surface) (e.g. Fig. 7B)... Spathiostenus Belokobylskij, 1992

  • Hind tibia without (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex ... 284
  • Hind tibia with (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex... 289

  • Fore femur with more or less distinct dorsal blister; mid femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister ... 285
  • Fore femur without dorsal blister; mid femora without dorsal blister... 287

  • Mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side; male genitalia with basal lobe of basal ring (e.g. Fig. 7B, G) ... 286
  • Mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side; male genitalia without basal lobe of basal ring (e.g. Fig. 8A, C)... Rhacontsira Belokobylskij, 1998

  • Hind femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister; comprising two parts; bar posterior to valvillus or valvillar zone absent; bars anterior to valvillus or valvillar zone absent ... Heterospilus Halliday, 1836
  • Hind femora without dorsal blister; comprising three parts; bar posterior to valvillus or valvillar zone present; bars anterior to valvillus or valvillar zone present... Ontsira Cameron, 1900

  • Propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E); bar posterior to valvillus or valvillar zone present ... 288
  • Propodeal carinated areas completely absent; bar posterior to valvillus or valvillar zone absent... Hecabalodes Wilkinson, 1929

  • Pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); acrosternite of first metasomal tergite short, nearly 0.2-0.25 as long as tergite, not fused with ventral margins of tergite, petiole absent (e.g. Fig. 6F); head with long pilosity somewhere (face, vertex, fully,...); mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side ... Dendrosotinus Telenga, 1941
  • Pronotum normal to long (visible in dorsal view); acrosternite of first metasomal tergite very long, 0.6-0.85 (or more) as long as tergite and entirely fused with it ventral margin, petiole present and long (Fig. 6A, B); head with sparse pilosity (short or long, sometimes in punctuations); mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side... Spathius (Ambispathius) Belokobylskij, 1995

  • Dorsal spines of hind tibia absent (e.g. Fig. 5H, J) ... 290
  • Dorsal spines of hind tibia present (e.g. Fig. 5I)... 292

  • Mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum; petiole median carinae very short (less than or equal to the third of petiole length); ovipositor nodus double (or more as Cryptodoryctes), with both nodus well developed (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: figs 1-8); postpectal carina absent ... 291
  • Mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum; petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole; ovipositor nodus without visible node (but lower valves serrate); postpectal carina present... Caenophanes Foerster, 1862

  • Vertex not striate; pronotum dorsally without modifications; propodeum with lateral tubercles (as high as large at base); second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing present ... Hemidoryctes Belokobylskij, 1993
  • Vertex striate; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; propodeum without lateral tubercles; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing absent with veins 2M and 3RSa,b widely separated... Monolexis Foerster, 1862

  • Pronotum carina(e), collar or keel absent or indistinct; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated); frons excavated (concave, sometimes weakly); mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side ... Eodendrus Belokobylskij, 1998
  • Pronotum carina(e), collar or keel present (laterally and-or dorsally); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully); frons not excavated (flat or convex); mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side... Rhaconotus Ruthe, 1854

  • Notauli meeting before the scutelar sulcus; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing interstitial ... Dendrosoter Wesmael, 1838
  • Notauli meeting a sculptured area before scutelar sulcus; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising behind middle of distal vein of brachial cell (short space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein)... Polystenus Förster, 1862
  • Notauli meeting at the scutelar sulcus; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising before or from middle of distal vein of brachial cell (large space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein)... Asiaontsira Belokobylskij, Pu and Chen, 2013

  • Pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); hind femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister ... 295
  • Pronotum normal to long (visible in dorsal view); hind femora without dorsal blister... 296

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; pronotum carina(e), collar or keel absent or indistinct; mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum ... Hecabolomorpha Belokobylskij & Chen, 2006
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing more or less curved apically to apex of wing (often vein not sclerified); pronotum dorsally without modifications; pronotum carina(e), collar or keel present (laterally and-or dorsally); mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum... Pedinotus (Eopedinotus) Belokobylskij, 2004

  • Postgenal bridge absent; dorsal tentorial pits near the antennal sockets present between antenal sockets and eyes; mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side; hind tibia with (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex ... Neurocrassus Snoflak, 1945
  • Postgenal bridge narrow; dorsal tentorial pits near the antennal sockets absent; mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side; hind tibia without (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex... 297

  • Scutellum without lateral carinae; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated); propodeal carinated areas completely absent ... Polystenus Förster, 1862
  • Scutellum with (fine) lateral carinae (at least in anterior part); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully); propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E)... Spathius Nees, 1918

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of fore wing interstitial (arising directly in line with 2RS); second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing with wide bulla (e.g. Fig. 3d); hind coxa dorsally without teeth (e.g. Fig. 5A, B, E); scape as long as ventrally than dorsally ... Holcobracon Cameron, 1905
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of fore wing antefurcal (arising basad with 2RS, (RS+M)b present then second submarginal cell petiolate horizontally); second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing largely tubular (e.g. Fig. 4H; Marsh, 1997: figs 16, 18, 30); hind coxa with one to several teeth dorsally (e.g. Fig. 5C, D); scape longer dorsally than ventrally... Zombrus Marshall, 1897

  • First flagellar segment longer than second (e.g. Fig. 1H, I); mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising before or from middle of distal vein of brachial cell (large space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein); petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole) ... Mimipodoryctes Belokobylskij, 2000
  • First flagellar segment (sub)equal to second (e.g. Fig. 1L); mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing interstitial; petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole... Arhaconotus Belokobylskij, 2000

  • First flagellar segment (sub)equal to second (e.g. Fig. 1L); first flagellar segment straigth; maxillary palpi five-segmented; eyes not emarginated ... 301
  • First flagellar segment shorter than second; first flagellar segment more or less curved; maxillary palpi six-segmented; eyes more or less emarginated on their inner sides... Rasnitsynoryctes Belokobylskij, 2011

  • Wings present; hind femora not swollen (at least 3x longer than wide); basoventral tooth of hind coxa present (sometimes very small) (e.g. Fig. 5A; Marsh, 1997: fig. 63) ... Ecphylus Foerster, 1862 (winged forms)
  • Wings micropterous to scalelike pads; hind femora swollen, at most 2.6x longer than wide; basoventral tooth of hind coxa absent (e.g. Fig. 5B-D; Marsh, 1997: fig. 64)... Ecphylus Foerster, 1862 (apterous or brachypterous forms)

  • Pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron); acrosternite of first metasomal tergite long, 0.3-0.5 as long as tergite and fused with its ventral margin anteriorly, petiole present (e.g. Fig. 6D, E); mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured ... Platyspathius Viereck, 1911
  • Pronotum dorsally without modifications; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron); acrosternite of first metasomal tergite very long, 0.6-0.85 (or more) as long as tergite and entirely fused with it ventral margin, petiole present and long (Fig. 6A, B); mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining... Parana Nixon, 1943

  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite short, nearly 0.2-0.25 as long as tergite, not fused with ventral margins of tergite, petiole absent (e.g. Fig. 6F) ... Aivalykus Nixon, 1938
  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite long, 0.3-0.5 as long as tergite and fused with its ventral margin anteriorly, petiole present (e.g. Fig. 6D, E)... Leptospathius Szépligeti, 1902
  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite very long, 0.6-0.85 (or more) as long as tergite and entirely fused with it ventral margin, petiole present and long (Fig. 6A, B)... Australospathius Belokobylskij, Iqbal & Austin, 2004

  • Metanotum without any protuberances or spines; scape longer ventrally than dorsally ... Synspilus Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000
  • Metanotum with a short and acute erected spine medially; scape longer dorsally than ventrally... Paraspathius Nixon, 1943
  • Metanotum with a short (obtuse) median tubercle; scape as long as ventrally than dorsally... Arkoola Belokobylskij, Iqbal & Austin, 2004

  • First flagellar segment longer than second (e.g. Fig. 1H, I); occipital carina present laterally and interrupted dorsally; wings present ... Termitospathius Belokobylskij, 2002 (female)
  • First flagellar segment (sub)equal to second (e.g. Fig. 1L); occipital carina present dorsally and laterally; wings reduced or brachypterous (wings shorter than metasoma)... Termitospathius Belokobylskij, 2002 (male)

  • Apical lobe of scape absent; scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere; first flagellar segment shorter than second; first flagellar segment straigth ... Ceylonspathius Belokobylskij, 2002
  • Apical lobe of scape present (apically or sub-apically); scape shorter than first flagellomere; first flagellar segment longer than second (e.g. Fig. 1H, I); first flagellar segment more or less curved... Siragra Cameron, 1907

  • Metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence ... 308
  • Metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body))... 347

  • Labial palpi four-segmented ... 309
  • Labial palpi three-segmented... 346
  • Labial palpi one-segmented... Nipponecphylus Belokobylskij & Konishi, 2001 (females)
  • Labial palpi absent (e.g. van Achterberg, 1995: fig. 56)... Nipponecphylus Belokobylskij & Konishi, 2001 (males)

  • Third labial palp segment as long as the second ... 310
  • Third labial palp segment distinctly shorter than second (e.g. Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000: fig. 113)... 344

  • Epicnemial carina (prepectal carina) present laterally and ventrally ... 311
  • Epicnemial carina (prepectal carina) present only ventrally... Dooliba Belokobylskij, Iqbal & Austin, 2004
  • Epicnemial carina (prepectal carina) absent... Bracodoryctes Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000

  • Dorsope of first metasomal tergite present and more or less distinct ... 312
  • Dorsope of first metasomal tergite absent or indistinct... 341

  • Scape less than two times longer than maximally wide ... 313
  • Scape two or more times longer than maximally wide... 339

  • Median lobe of mesoscutum rounded antero-laterally ... 314
  • Median lobe of mesoscutum with lateral corners anteriorly angled, toothed or (very) acute... Neoheterospilus (Neoheterospilus) Belokobylskij, 2006

  • First flagellar segment surface dorso-ventrally not compressed ... 315
  • First flagellar segment surface dorso-ventrally compressed (sometimes strongly)... 336

  • Hind coxa dorsally without teeth (e.g. Fig. 5A, B, E) ... 316
  • Hind coxa with one to several teeth dorsally (e.g. Fig. 5C, D)... Echinodoryctes Belokobylskij, Iqbal & Austin, 2004

  • Scape not flattened laterally ... 317
  • Scape more or less flattened laterally (somewhere on it)... 335

  • Hind tibia without (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex ... 318
  • Hind tibia with (comb or area) of dense setae at inner apex... 328

  • Frons without lateral carinae or grooves ... 319
  • Frons with some lateral carinae or grooves (along, more or less close to, the eyes; often carina bordering of excavated frons)... Neorhaconotus Belokobylskij, Iqbal & Austin, 2004

  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males smooth (or striate/coriaceous) basaly ... 320
  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males at least crenulate-striate basally (often on all their surface) (e.g. Fig. 7B)... Spathiostenus Belokobylskij, 1992

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere ... 321
  • Scape shorter than first flagellomere... 322

  • Clypeus without lower flange; eyes not emarginated; pronotum carina(e), collar or keel absent or indistinct; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron) ... Rhoptrocentrus Marshall, 1897
  • Clypeus with lower flange more or less developped; eyes more or less emarginated on their inner sides; pronotum carina(e), collar or keel present (laterally and-or dorsally); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron)... Cryptontsira Belokobylskij, 2008

  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males simple, submarginal lateral carinae absent; frons without lateral protuberances ... 323
  • Fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males submarginal lateral carinae present (e.g. Fig. 7E); frons with lateral protuberances... Dendrosoter Wesmael, 1838

  • Fore femur with more or less distinct dorsal blister; mid femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister ... 324
  • Fore femur without dorsal blister; mid femora without dorsal blister... 326

  • Mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side; male genitalia with basal lobe of basal ring (e.g. Fig. 7B, G) ... 325
  • Mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side; male genitalia without basal lobe of basal ring (e.g. Fig. 8A, C)... Rhacontsira Belokobylskij, 1998

  • Hind femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister; comprising two parts; bar posterior to valvillus or valvillar zone absent; bars anterior to valvillus or valvillar zone absent ... Heterospilus Halliday, 1836
  • Hind femora without dorsal blister; comprising three parts; bar posterior to valvillus or valvillar zone present; bars anterior to valvillus or valvillar zone present... Ontsira Cameron, 1900

  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite short, nearly 0.2-0.25 as long as tergite, not fused with ventral margins of tergite, petiole absent (e.g. Fig. 6F); mid tibia without spines on antero dorsal side; petiole from 1 times to 1.5 times longer than apical width; spiral stucture of venom reservoir normal ... 327
  • Acrosternite of first metasomal tergite very long, 0.6-0.85 (or more) as long as tergite and entirely fused with it ventral margin, petiole present and long (Fig. 6A, B); mid tibia with spines on antero dorsal side; petiole from 1.5 times to 2.5 times as long its apical width; spiral stucture of venom reservoir posteriorly much courser than anteriorly... Spathius (Ambispathius) Belokobylskij, 1995

  • First flagellar segment straigth; pronotum normal to long (visible in dorsal view); median lobe of mesoscutum with longitudinal median furrow or groove (smooth, coriaceous or weakly crenulate) anteriorly; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining ... Doryctes (Doryctes + Neodoryctes) Haliday, 1836
  • First flagellar segment more or less curved; pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); median lobe of mesoscutum without longitudinal median furrow anteriorly; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured... Dendrosotinus Telenga, 1941

  • Petiole median carinae very short (less than or equal to the third of petiole length) ... 329
  • Petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole... 332
  • Petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole)... 334

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron); propodeal carinated areas completely absent ... 330
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing more or less curved apically to apex of wing (often vein not sclerified); mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron); propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E)... Parallorhogas Marsh, 1993

  • Pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); scutellum flat; brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing open (brachial vein 2cu-a absent); dorsal spines of hind tibia absent (e.g. Fig. 5H, J) ... 331
  • Pronotum normal to long (visible in dorsal view); scutellum convex (e.g. swollen, conical, sharply raised); brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing distally closed (brachial vein 2cu-a present); dorsal spines of hind tibia present (e.g. Fig. 5I)... Eodendrus Belokobylskij, 1998

  • Vertex not striate; pronotum dorsally without modifications; propodeum with lateral tubercles (as high as large at base); second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing present ... Hemidoryctes Belokobylskij, 1993
  • Vertex striate; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; propodeum without lateral tubercles; second radiomedial vein (r-m) of fore wing absent with veins 2M and 3RSa,b widely separated... Monolexis Foerster, 1862

  • Scutellum flat; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated); basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves present (sometimes shallow grooves) (e.g. Fig. 6G-J); scutellum without lateral carinae ... Doryctes (Plyctes) Fischer, 1981
  • Scutellum convex (e.g. swollen, conical, sharply raised); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully); basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves absent (e.g. Fig. 6B, F); scutellum with (fine) lateral carinae (at least in anterior part)... 333

  • Propodeum without lateral tubercles ... Asiaontsira Belokobylskij, Pu and Chen, 2013
  • Propodeum with lateral tubercles (as high as large at base)... Spathiomorpha Tobias, 1976
  • Propodeum with lateral long spines (higher than its base)... Fijispathius Belokobylskij, Iqbal & Austin, 2004

  • Ovipositor nodus single (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: figs 9-11) ... Ontsirospathius Belokobylskij, Iqbal & Austin, 2004
  • Ovipositor nodus double, with a second node weakly developed (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: fig. 12)... Ipodoryctes Granger, 1949
  • Ovipositor nodus double (or more as Cryptodoryctes), with both nodus well developed (e.g. Quicke et al., 1992a: figs 1-8)... Leluthia Cameron, 1887

  • Pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum; hind femora not swollen (at least 3x longer than wide); petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole ... Caenophanes Foerster, 1862
  • Pronotum dorsally without modifications; mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum; hind femora swollen, at most 2.6x longer than wide; petiole median carinae very short (less than or equal to the third of petiole length)... Hemidoryctes Belokobylskij, 1993

  • Scutellum flat; basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves absent (e.g. Fig. 6B, F) ... 337
  • Scutellum convex (e.g. swollen, conical, sharply raised); basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves present (sometimes shallow grooves) (e.g. Fig. 6G-J)... Sonanus Belokobylskij & Konishi, 2001

  • Pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); pronotum dorsally without modifications; median lobe of mesoscutum without longitudinal median furrow anteriorly; scape shorter than first flagellomere ... 338
  • Pronotum very long (in dorsal view); pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; median lobe of mesoscutum with longitudinal median furrow or groove (smooth, coriaceous or weakly crenulate) anteriorly; scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere... Doryctophasmus Enderlein, 1912

  • Pronotum carina(e), collar or keel absent or indistinct; notauli meeting a sculptured area before scutelar sulcus; scape more or less flattened laterally (somewhere on it); propodeal carinated areas completely absent ... Euscelinus Westwood, 1882
  • Pronotum carina(e), collar or keel present (laterally and-or dorsally); notauli meeting before the scutelar sulcus; scape not flattened laterally; propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E)... Dendrosotinus Telenga, 1941

  • Vein r of fore wing arising distinctly before middle of pterostigma; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising before or from middle of distal vein of brachial cell (large space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein); scape as long as ventrally than dorsally ... Gurburra Belokobylskij, Iqbal & Austin, 2004
  • Vein r of fore wing arising submedially from pterostigma; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising behind middle of distal vein of brachial cell (short space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein); scape longer ventrally than dorsally... 340
  • Vein r of fore wing arising distinctly after(behind) middle of pterostigma; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing interstitial; scape longer dorsally than ventrally... Kauriphanes Belokobylskij & Zaldívar, 2011

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere; scape not flattened laterally; dorsal spines of hind tibia absent (e.g. Fig. 5H, J); petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole ... Jarra Marsh & Austin, 1994
  • Scape longer than first flagellomere; scape more or less flattened laterally (somewhere on it); dorsal spines of hind tibia present (e.g. Fig. 5I); petiole median carinae very short (less than or equal to the third of petiole length)... Pseudosyngaster Belokobylskij, Iqbal & Austin, 2004 (female)

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; propodeal bridge between abdominal and coxal foramina absent; hind wing without transverse vein (r) of radial cell; basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves absent (e.g. Fig. 6B, F) ... 342
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing more or less curved apically to apex of wing (often vein not sclerified); propodeal bridge between abdominal and coxal foramina present; hind wing with a transverse vein (r) of radial cell(e.g. Marsh, 1997: fig. 12); basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves present (sometimes shallow grooves) (e.g. Fig. 6G-J)... Leptospathius Szépligeti, 1902

  • Metanotum without any protuberances or spines; subctenidial setae trifurcate or more divided ... 343
  • Metanotum with a short and acute erected spine medially; subctenidial setae bifurcate... Paraspathius Nixon, 1943
  • Metanotum with a short (obtuse) median tubercle; subctenidial setae simple... Platyspathius Viereck, 1911

  • Vertex not striate; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining ... Pseudospathius Szepligeti, 1902
  • Vertex striate; pronotum dorsally without modifications; mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum; mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured... Spathius (Stenophasmus) Smith, 1858

  • Pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view) ... Liodoryctes Szépligeti, 1906
  • Pronotum normal to long (visible in dorsal view)... 345
  • Pronotum very long (in dorsal view)... Doryctopsis Belokobylskij, Iqbal & Austin, 2004

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; eyes more or less emarginated on their inner sides; pronotum with pointed spines or tubercles; notauli not meeting each other ... Antidoryctes Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing strongly curved to apex of wing (fully sclerified usually); eyes not emarginated; pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view; notauli meeting at the scutelar sulcus... Zombrus Marshall, 1897

  • Apical lobe of scape absent; scape shorter than first flagellomere; first flagellar segment shorter than second; malar suture absent or indistinct ... Fijibracon Belokobylskij, 1995
  • Apical lobe of scape present (apically or sub-apically); scape longer than first flagellomere; first flagellar segment longer than second (e.g. Fig. 1H, I); malar suture present... Papuaontsira Belokobylskij, 2016

  • Pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view) ... 348
  • Pronotum normal to long (visible in dorsal view)... 351

  • Pronotum convex dorsally in lateral view ... Halycaea Cameron, 1903
  • Pronotum dorsally without modifications... 349
  • Pronotum with pointed spines or tubercles... Ceratodoryctes Belokobylskij, Iqbal & Austin, 2004

  • Metanotum without any protuberances or spines ... 350
  • Metanotum with a short and acute erected spine medially... Syngaster Brullé, 1846
  • Metanotum with a short (obtuse) median tubercle... Pirramurra Belokobylskij, Iqbal & Austin, 2004

  • Fore femur with more or less distinct dorsal blister; mid femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister ... genD female
  • Fore femur without dorsal blister; mid femora without dorsal blister... genD male

  • Third labial palp segment as long as the second; first flagellar segment more than twice as long as wide; fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males smooth (or striate/coriaceous) basaly; raised ridge between antennae absent ... 352
  • Third labial palp segment distinctly shorter than second (e.g. Belokobylskij & Quicke, 2000: fig. 113); first flagellar segment at maximum, twice as long as wide; fourth-sixth metasomal tergites of males at least crenulate-striate basally (often on all their surface) (e.g. Fig. 7B); raised ridge between antennae present... Acanthodoryctes Turner, 1918

  • First and second tergites not fused (e.g. Fig. 5G-J); fore femur without dorsal blister; mid femora without dorsal blister; hind femora without dorsal blister ... 353
  • First and second tergites fused (e.g. Belokobylskij, 2000: figs 10, 11, 23, 24; Barbalho & Penteado-Dias, 2002: fig. 4); fore femur with more or less distinct dorsal blister; mid femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister; hind femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister... 354

  • Occipital carina present dorsally and laterally; epicnemial carina (prepectal carina) present laterally and ventrally; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully) ... Spathius Nees, 1918
  • Occipital carina absent; epicnemial carina (prepectal carina) absent; sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated)... Siragra Cameron, 1907

  • First flagellar segment longer than second (e.g. Fig. 1H, I); mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing not interstitial, arising before or from middle of distal vein of brachial cell (large space between the curved part and the level of 2-1A vein); petiole median carinae more than the half length of petiole (sometimes reaching the apex of petiole) ... Mimipodoryctes Belokobylskij, 2000
  • First flagellar segment (sub)equal to second (e.g. Fig. 1L); mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum; parallel vein (CU1a) relative to cubital vein (2-CU1) of fore wing interstitial; petiole median carinae reaching, or nearly, the half length of the petiole... Arhaconotus Belokobylskij, 2000

  • Scape less than two times longer than maximally wide; occipital carina present dorsally and laterally ... 356
  • Scape two or more times longer than maximally wide; occipital carina absent... Sisupala Nixon, 1943

  • Labial palpi four-segmented ... 357
  • Labial palpi three-segmented... 368

  • Metapleuron glabrous or with a very sparse/rare discret pubescence ... 358
  • Metapleuron with clear pubescence (setae longs, sparse or numerous, sometimes dense pubescence (in this case often present on other part of body))... 365

  • Petiole without median carinae; dorsope of first metasomal tergite absent or indistinct ... Spathius (Stenophasmus) Smith, 1858
  • Petiole with median carinae; dorsope of first metasomal tergite present and more or less distinct... 359

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere; frons excavated (concave, sometimes weakly); head with long pilosity somewhere (face, vertex, fully,...) ... Cryptontsira Belokobylskij, 2008
  • Scape shorter than first flagellomere; frons not excavated (flat or convex); head with sparse pilosity (short or long, sometimes in punctuations)... 360

  • Dorsal spines of hind tibia absent (e.g. Fig. 5H, J) ... 361
  • Dorsal spines of hind tibia present (e.g. Fig. 5I)... 364

  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining; position of the valvillar insertion medial ... 362
  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; position of the valvillar insertion close to the dorsal edge of the egg canal... 363

  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing perpendicular or curved towards wing base; pronotum normal to long (visible in dorsal view); scutellum without lateral carinae; brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing distally closed (brachial vein 2cu-a present) ... Doryctes (Doryctes + Neodoryctes) Haliday, 1836
  • Recurrent vein (m-cu) of hind wing more or less curved apically to apex of wing (often vein not sclerified); pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); scutellum with (fine) lateral carinae (at least in anterior part); brachial (1st subdiscal) cell of fore wing open (brachial vein 2cu-a absent)... Parallorhogas Marsh, 1993

  • Scutellum flat; pronotum carina(e), collar or keel absent or indistinct; fore femur without dorsal blister; mid femora without dorsal blister ... Monolexis Foerster, 1862
  • Scutellum convex (e.g. swollen, conical, sharply raised); pronotum carina(e), collar or keel present (laterally and-or dorsally); fore femur with more or less distinct dorsal blister; mid femora with more or less distinct dorsal blister... Ontsira Cameron, 1900

  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes smooth and shining; notauli meeting at the scutelar sulcus; acrosternite of first metasomal tergite very long, 0.6-0.85 (or more) as long as tergite and entirely fused with it ventral margin, petiole present and long (Fig. 6A, B); second metasomal suture indistinct, to largely or entirely absent (e.g. Figs 6B, E, 7E) ... Fijispathius Belokobylskij, Iqbal & Austin, 2004
  • Mesoscutum surface of median and lateral lobes more or less sculptured; notauli meeting a sculptured area before scutelar sulcus; acrosternite of first metasomal tergite short, nearly 0.2-0.25 as long as tergite, not fused with ventral margins of tergite, petiole absent (e.g. Fig. 6F); second metasomal suture present (e.g. Fig. 7C, D, F)... Rhaconotus Ruthe, 1854

  • Scape (sub)equal to first flagellomere; propodeum clearly convex ... Stenocorse Marsh, 1968
  • Scape shorter than first flagellomere; propodeum not convex, sloping from base to apex or horizontal, to weakly convex (only slowly rounded)... 366

  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) shortened (less or, at most, equal to 2/3 length of mesopleuron); third tergite without any distinct transverse narrow depression/depression (e.g. Fig. 6B, F, G); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) at least partly sculptured (even only anteriorly; sometimes fully); fore femur without dorsal blister ... 367
  • Sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) long (more than 2/3 length of mesopleuron); third tergite with a distinct transverse depression (furrow) (usually between its anterior third and the middle, e.g. Fig. 6H)(sometimes meeting laterally second metasomal suture and enclosing a lenticular area); sternaulus (precoxal sulcus) without sculptures (may be smooth or coriaceous, but not carinated); fore femur with more or less distinct dorsal blister... Doryctinus Roman, 1910

  • Pronotum short (nearly invisible in dorsal view); propodeal carinated areas completely absent; acrosternite of first metasomal tergite short, nearly 0.2-0.25 as long as tergite, not fused with ventral margins of tergite, petiole absent (e.g. Fig. 6F); basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves present (sometimes shallow grooves) (e.g. Fig. 6G-J) ... Glyptocolastes Ashmead, 1900
  • Pronotum normal to long (visible in dorsal view); propodeal carinated areas present at least basally (e.g. Fig. 2E); acrosternite of first metasomal tergite very long, 0.6-0.85 (or more) as long as tergite and entirely fused with it ventral margin, petiole present and long (Fig. 6A, B); basal area of second tergite enclosed by carinae or grooves absent (e.g. Fig. 6B, F)... Spathius Nees, 1918

  • First flagellar segment (sub)equal to second (e.g. Fig. 1L); maxillary palpi four-segmented; wings absent; mesoscutum without a sharply raised face anteriorly, sometimes on nearly same plane as pronotum ... Ecphylopsis Ashmead, 1900
  • First flagellar segment shorter than second; maxillary palpi six-segmented; wings present; mesoscutum with a sharply raised face anteriorly, at right angle with pronotum... Fijibracon Belokobylskij, 1995
Taxonomic name: 
Cecidospathius (Doryctinae), Celereon (Doryctinae), Doryctomorpha (Doryctinae), Esterella (Doryctinae), Metaspathius (Doryctinae), Sinaodoryctes (Doryctinae), Mexiare (Doryctinae), Ecphylus (Doryctinae), Liobracon (Doryctinae), Odontobracon (Doryctinae), Pioscelus (Doryctinae), Dendrosoter (Doryctinae), Rhoptrocentrus (Doryctinae), Ptesimogaster (Doryctinae), Aivalykus (Doryctinae), Pambolidea (Doryctinae), Rhaconotus (Doryctinae), Spathius (Doryctinae), Doryctes (Doryctinae), Ontsira (Doryctinae), Allorhogas (Doryctinae), Stenocorse (Doryctinae), Parallorhogas (Doryctinae), Callihormius (Doryctinae), Heterospilus (Doryctinae), Curtisella (Doryctinae), Leluthia (Doryctinae), Hemidoryctes (Doryctinae), Acrophasmus (Doryctinae), Glyptocolastes (Doryctinae), Percnobraconoides (Doryctinae), Monolexis (Doryctinae), Aptenobracon (Doryctinae), Asiaheterospilus (Doryctinae), Nipponecphylus (Doryctinae), Cryptontsira (Doryctinae), Stenophasmus (Doryctinae), Dendrosotinus (Doryctinae), Zombrus (Doryctinae), Sonanus (Doryctinae), Eodendrus (Doryctinae), Polystenus (Doryctinae), Pareucorystes (Doryctinae), Rhacontsira (Doryctinae), Hypodoryctes (Doryctinae), Platyspathius (Doryctinae), Neurocrassus (Doryctinae), Caenophanes (Doryctinae), Spathiomorpha (Doryctinae), Euhecabolodes (Doryctinae), Hecabolomorpha (Doryctinae), Hecabolus (Doryctinae), Euscelinus (Doryctinae), Caenopachys (Doryctinae), Pseudorhaconotus (Doryctinae), Mimodoryctes (Doryctinae), Spathioplites (Doryctinae), Bulbonervus (Doryctinae), Toka (Doryctinae), Doryctophasmus (Doryctinae), Ivondrovia (Doryctinae), Leptorhaconotus (Doryctinae), Doryctoproctus (Doryctinae), Hemispathius (Doryctinae), Cryptodoryctes (Doryctinae), Gymnobracon (Doryctinae), Stephanospathius (Doryctinae), Schlettereriella (Doryctinae), Afrospathius (Doryctinae), Pararhacon (Doryctinae), Ipodoryctes (Doryctinae), Bathycentor (Doryctinae), Neoheterospilus (Doryctinae), Neoheterospilus (Doryctinae), Priosphys (Doryctinae), Odontodoryctes (Doryctinae), Paradoryctes (Doryctinae), Rinamba (Doryctinae), Pseudodoryctes (Doryctinae), Terate (Doryctinae), Grangerdoryctes (Doryctinae), Termitobracon (Doryctinae), Nervellius (Doryctinae), Psenobolus (Doryctinae), Monarea (Doryctinae), Sharkeyella (Doryctinae), Pannuceus (Doryctinae), Mononeuron (Doryctinae), Histeromeroides (Doryctinae), Megaloproctus (Doryctinae), Notiospathius (Doryctinae), Monitoriella (Doryctinae), Embobracon (Doryctinae), Holcobracon (Doryctinae), Binarea (Doryctinae), Dicarinoryctes (Doryctinae), Ptesimogastroides (Doryctinae), Rimacollus (Doryctinae), Janzenia (Doryctinae), Glaucia (Doryctinae), Amazondoryctes (Doryctinae), Heterospathius (Doryctinae), Labania (Doryctinae), Ypsistocerus (Doryctinae), Achterbergia (Doryctinae), Leptodoryctes (Doryctinae), Verae (Doryctinae), Angelica (Doryctinae), Fritziella (Doryctinae), Percnobracon (Doryctinae), Micrommatus (Doryctinae), Araucania (Doryctinae), Cyphodoryctes (Doryctinae), Lissodoryctes (Doryctinae), Guaygata (Doryctinae), Tripteroides (Doryctinae), Donquickeia (Doryctinae), Waitaca (Doryctinae), Heerz (Doryctinae), Whartonius (Doryctinae), Heredius (Doryctinae), Coiba (Doryctinae), Hansonorum (Doryctinae), Subcurtisella (Doryctinae), Shawius (Doryctinae), Panama (Doryctinae), Platydoryctes (Doryctinae), Barbalhoa (Doryctinae), Aphelopsia (Doryctinae), Lianus (Doryctinae), Acanthorhogas (Doryctinae), Semirhytus (Doryctinae), Concurtisella (Doryctinae), Evaniodes (Doryctinae), Dapsilitas (Doryctinae), Iare (Doryctinae), Tripteria (Doryctinae), Johnsonius (Doryctinae), Harpoheterospilus (Doryctinae), Spathiospilus (Doryctinae), Jataiella (Doryctinae), Canchim (Doryctinae), Bohartiellus (Doryctinae), Caingangia (Doryctinae), Tarasco (Doryctinae), Masonius (Doryctinae), Whitfieldiellus (Doryctinae), Lamquetia (Doryctinae), Pedinotus (Doryctinae), Hybodoryctes (Doryctinae), Vanderentiellus (Doryctinae), Sericobracon (Doryctinae), Neostaphius (Doryctinae), Ondigus (Doryctinae), Trigonophasmus (Doryctinae), Osmophila (Doryctinae), Curtiselloides (Doryctinae), Oroceguera (Doryctinae), Ecphylopsis (Doryctinae), Termitospathius (Doryctinae), Australospathius (Doryctinae), Parana (Doryctinae), Ambispathius (Doryctinae), Antespathius (Doryctinae), Leptospathius (Doryctinae), Eopedinotus (Doryctinae), Arhaconotus (Doryctinae), Chelonodoryctes (Doryctinae), Mimipodoryctes (Doryctinae), Ryukyuspathius (Doryctinae), Ceylonspathius (Doryctinae), Halycaea (Doryctinae), Spathiostenus (Doryctinae), Paraspathius (Doryctinae), Synspilus (Doryctinae), Siragra (Doryctinae), Arkoola (Doryctinae), Pseudospathius (Doryctinae), Fijispathius (Doryctinae), Bracodoryctes (Doryctinae), Acanthodoryctes (Doryctinae), Pirramurra (Doryctinae), Ontsirospathius (Doryctinae), Neorhaconotus (Doryctinae), Dooliba (Doryctinae), Plyctes (Doryctinae), Liodoryctes (Doryctinae), Ceratodoryctes (Doryctinae), Fijibracon (Doryctinae), Pseudosyngaster (Doryctinae), Jarra (Doryctinae), Syngaster (Doryctinae), Antidoryctes (Doryctinae), Gurburra (Doryctinae), Echinodoryctes (Doryctinae), Doryctopsis (Doryctinae), Sisupala (Doryctinae), Preembobracon (Doryctinae), Doryctinus (Doryctinae), Neodoryctes (Doryctinae), Bolivar (Doryctinae), Tuberatra (Doryctinae), Venifurca (Doryctinae), Parsteres (Doryctinae), Sergey (Doryctinae), Asiaontsira (Doryctinae), Kauriphanes (Doryctinae), Papuaontsira (Doryctinae), Sycosoter (Doryctinae), Paraheterospilus (Doryctinae), Ficobolus (Doryctinae), Sabinita (Doryctinae), Doryctopambolus (Doryctinae), Cerritulus (Doryctinae), Plesiopsenobolus (Doryctinae), Rasnitsynoryctes (Doryctinae)
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith