
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
M. R. Shaw1997The genus Heterospilus Haliday in Britain, with description of a new species and remarks on related taxa (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Doryctinae).
C. S. de Castro, Zaldivar-Riveron, A., Briceño, R. G., Penteado-Dias, A. M.2013The genus Hecabolus Curtis 1834 (Braconidae: Doryctinae) in South America, with description of six new species
S. A. Belokobylskij2002The genus Halycaea Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Doryctinae) in the Oriental region.
M. - M. Wang, Tan, J. - L., He, J. - H., Chen, X. - X.2009The genus Eodendrus Belokobylskij (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Doryctinae) from China, with description of a new species.
S. A. Belokobylskij2009The genus Ecphylus Foerster (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Doryctinae) in Japan.
S. A. Belokobylskij, Tang, P., He, J. - H., Chen, X. - X.2012The genus Doryctes Haliday, 1836 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Doryctinae) in China.
C. F. W. Muesebeck1938The genus Dendrosoter Wesmael in the United States (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).
S. A. Belokobylskij, Falco, J. V., Jimenez-Peydro, R.2011The genus Caenophanes Foerster, 1862 (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Doryctinae) in the Western Palaeractic
P. Tang, He, J. - H., Chen, X. - X.2010The genus Arhaconotus Belokobylskij (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Doryctinae) from China, with description of a new species.
D. L. J. Quicke1984The genus Acanthodoryctes Turner (Hymenoptera, Braconidae): redescription and new generic synonymy.
C. R. Baltazar1962The genera of parasitic Hymenoptera in the Philippines, Part 1.
R. R. Uhthoff-Kaufmann1991The genera Lamia F., Mesosa Latr., and Leiopus Serv. (Col.: Lamiidae) in the British Isles.
S. A. Belokobylskij2013The First Record of the Genus Doryctinus Roman, 1910 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Doryctinae) in the Old World, with Description of a New Species from Africa
C. van Achterberg2001The first know fossil Masoninae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from Miocene Dominican amber.
C. E. Pemberton1921The fern weevil parasite. Its life-history and introduction to Hawaii.
E. Parfitt1881The fauna of Devon. Order Hymenoptera. Family Ichneumonidae. Section Pupivora.
G. D. Tribe, Kfir R.2001The establishment of Dendrosoter caenopachoides (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) introduced into South Africa for the biological control of Orthotomicus erosus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), with additional notes on D. sp. nr. labdacus.
G. W. Taylor1884The entomology of Vancouver Island.
B. Benrey, Callejas, A., Rios, L., Oyama, K., Denno, R. F.1998The effects of domestication of Brassica and Phaseolus on the interaction between phytophagous insects and parasitoids.
B. H. Kennedy1979The effect of multilure on parasites of the European elm bark beetle, Scolytus multistriatus.
A. L. Joyce, Millar, J. G., Paine, T. D., Hanks, L. M.2002The effect of host size on the sex ratio of Syngaster lepidus, a parasitoid of Eucalyptus longhorned borers (Phoracantha spp.).
F. L. Wackers, Schmale, K., Cardona, C. M., Dorn, S.1998The effect of food supplements on the longevity of the bean weevil parasitoids Anisopteromalus calandrae and Heterospilus prosopidis.
P. M. Marsh2002The Doryctinae of Costa Rica (excluding the genus Heterospilus)
P. M. Marsh, Wild, A. L., Whitfield, J. B.2013The Doryctinae (Braconidae) of Costa Rica: genera and species of the tribe Heterospilini
R. R. Uhthoff-Kaufmann1990The distribution of the genera Trinophylum Bates, Gracilia Serv., and Hylotrupes Serv. (Col.: Cerambycidae) in the British Isles.
R. R. Uhthoff-Kaufmann1991The distribution and occurrence of Acanthocinus Dej. and Agapanthia Serv. (Col.: Lamiidae) in the British Isles.
J. Papp1994The dispersion of braconid wasps in an oak forest of Hungary (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).
E. T. Cresson1916The Cresson types of Hymenoptera.
H. S. Hanson1943The control of bark beetles and weevils in coniferous forests in Britain.
K. Iwata1959The comparative anatomy of the ovary in Hymenoptera. Part 3. Braconidae (Including Aphidiidae) with descriptions of ovarian eggs.
S. A. Belokobylskij, Tang, P., Chen, X. - X.2013The Chinese species of the genus Ontsira Cameron (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Doryctinae)
C. van Achterberg1980The Cameron types of Braconidae in the Netherlands (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea).
J. F. Genise1992The Brethes types of Hymenoptera in the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales.
C. van Achterberg2006The Braconidae (Hymenoptera) of Greenland.
M. Capek, Hoffmann C. H.1997The Braconidae (Hymenoptera) in the collections of the Musee cantonal de Zoologie, Lausanne.
J. Papp1996The braconid wasps (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) of the Bukk National Park (NE Hungary).
C. van Achterberg1974The braconid types of Szepligeti in the Leiden Museum.
P. N. Krishna Ayyar1941The biology and distribution of the parasites of the cotton stem weevil, Pempheres affinis Fst. in South India.
J. H. McGhehey, Nagel W. P.1969The biologies of Pseudphylesinus tsugae and P. grandis (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in western hemlock.
R. W. Matthews1969The behavior of three wasp parasites of a Costa Rican bark beetle, with description of a new species of Ecphylus.
D. L. J. Quicke, Lopez-Vaamonde, C., Belshaw, R.1999The basal Ichneumonidae (Insecta, Hymenoptera): 28S D2 rDNA considerations of the Brachycyrtinae, Labeninae, Paxylommatinae and Xoridinae.
J. M. Powell1971The Arthropod fauna collected from the comandra blister rust, Cronartium comandrae, on lodgepole pine in Alberta.
P. N. Krishna Ayyar1940The alternate host plants and associated parasites of Pempheres affinis Faust in South India.
G. R. Broad, Quicke D. L. J.2000The adaptive significance of host location by vibrational sounding in parasitoid wasps.
E. Schimitschek1929Tetropium gabrieli Weise, und Tetropium fuscum F. Ein Beitrag zu ihrer Lebensgeschichte und Lebensgemeinschaft.
F. D. Bennett1965Tests with parasites of Asian graminaceous moth borers on Diatraea and allied genera in Trinidad.
M. Capek1995Terrestrial invertebrates of the Palava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO, 2. Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea 1. (Braconidae).
C. T. Brues1923Termitobracon, a termitophilous braconid from British Guiana.
L. De Santis, Esquivel L.1966Tercera lista de Himenopteros parasitos y predatores de los insectos de la Republica Argentina.
M. Tuda1996Temporal-spatial structure and the dynamical property of laboratory host-parasitoid systems.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith