Welcome to Key to the genera of Doryctinae of the world

The site was a newborn and mainly under construction for the moment. Please apologize for that.

But due to some lack of following and funding, the scratchpad team will discontinue the update of the code. So this site will be freeze soon (probably around July 2023). We hope to be able to find a solution for this issue. From this date, none updates could be done here. So ... please check on your side for the most up-to-date data, photos, bibliography, ....

This site was created to offer a platform for taxonomists working on this group. We would like to share infos about taxonomy, biology, (and other) of the genera of the Doryctinae of the world. Discussions about characters used, placement of taxa, ... will be also welcome. And last but not least, a character project will allow the cooperative works among specialists of this subfamily. As a result, an interactive key will be also produced and made available as soon as possible.

The taxonomy follows mainly Yu et al. 2012 (see also the website "Home of Ichneumonoidea") in addition of the more recent publications.

The identification of the subfamily Doryctinae could be done, among other, using the "On-Line Illustrated Key to all Subfamilies of Braconidae".

Aphelopsis annulicornis (ID by A. Z.-R.)

Creator: A. Zaldivar-Riveron Creative Commons Licence

Achterbergia cornicoxa (3)

Creator: Yves Braet Creative Commons Licence

Hemidoryctes soror (1)

Creator: Yves Braet Creative Commons Licence

Nervellius darwini (4)

Creator: Yves Braet Creative Commons Licence
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith